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Well I've been thinking recently....When Skyrim is released, do you think they will make DLC and if so, what?


I reckon the dev's should add High Rock as a DLC. Wouldn't it be great to explore a place that Bethesda has not touched, to explore the home province of the Breton...

Or even other parts of Tamriel like Hammerfell or even slowly release every province as a DLC/Expansion Pack.


As you can see there are plenty of places Bethesda could make as DLC: (sorry for the bangup job in photoshop :wink: )



Anywho, I'd like to see your thoughts on this....


Cya Later

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Well I've been thinking recently....When Skyrim is released, do you think they will make DLC and if so, what?


I reckon the dev's should add High Rock as a DLC. Wouldn't it be great to explore a place that Bethesda has not touched, to explore the home province of the Breton...

Or even other parts of Tamriel like Hammerfell or even slowly release every province as a DLC/Expansion Pack.


As you can see there are plenty of places Bethesda could make as DLC: (sorry for the bangup job in photoshop :wink: )

Anywho, I'd like to see your thoughts on this....


Cya Later


Ok so first of all No, I don’t think they will release any official DLC straight away, because that wouldn't be very good marketing. (plus they like to keep use waiting). No doubt the modding community will have some shiny things for use all to download pretty much straight away.

I personally don’t think that Bethesda would ever release other provinces as DLC because so far, a province is a game for example Daggerfall was set in High Rock and Hammerfell I think, Morrowind was strangely enough set on Vvardenfell, and Oblivion of course set in Cyrodiil.


Although its a good idea and I’d love to see that happen too, i really don't think it will.

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like MizerD, i really doubt that a province DLC will ever be created


i mean, from what i know, the largest expansion to Oblivion was the Shivering Isles, and that land was rather small, and didn't have all too many quests

to make a new province and not give it enough game time (enough places, quests and such) would be a disappointment

to make a province and give it enough game time would be releasing a new game as a DLC (which would probably be considered as really bad marketing)


now, i am sure that this game will have expansion packs or DLCs, but these will take time to make, and they won't be released too soon


whatever the case, as long as the game is good (meaning that it's not a horrible disaster), and uses a moddable engine (like Oblivion or the new FO3 and FO:NV), i put my trust in the modders around the world, to do the things that Bethesda couldn't dream about doing

after all, if you look at the games here, the originals are good, but the mods are what keep the fire burning, and keep these games alive (at least this is my opinion)


now, since i don't have any knowledge on the world of The Elder Scroll (since i only got to play Oblivion), i don't know where the DLCs or expansions could take place, but i guess that they will make another surprise for us (i'm sure that no one really expected the Shivering Isles)

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they have to wait to see if the game gets a good reception, and good sales

if they release a DLC right away, they could be throwing away money

its too early to be thinking about it... but i would like to see a southern area as a DLC, maybe the home of the high elves

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For a DLC, bethesda would do something more reasonable than a southern province. It'd be more likely that they would create Solsheim or one of the other recently conquered island's along the Skyrim coast. Perhaps they would even add border towns in neighbouring provinces just to add to a variety of cities and people. The Shivering Isles was a very clever way of adding a new seperate gamespace, you culd do that quest whenever you pleased because the main story had no influence upon it. This is the difficulty with DLC's for rpgs that aren't content only-based; they have a whole universe and timeline to abide too making implimenting them rather difficult.
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Put Summerset Isle or Black Marsh in. For once, I'm sure we'd like to see Altmer and Argonian culture get more developed.


No piddly crap like horse armor or spell tomes.

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As it has been said in interviews, when Oblivion was released DLC was a nearly brand spanking new concept. Bethesda had to test the ground to see what people like, what they wanted and most importantly to them; what people would buy. I personally expect more of what sold and smaller quest DLC's.
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I reckon the dev's should add High Rock as a DLC. Wouldn't it be great to explore a place that Bethesda has not touched, to explore the home province of the Breton...


Well, then I guess you should play Daggerfall, as that touches one of your untouched areas; High Rock.... :P

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