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Random Shut-Downs


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I have a tendency to play Morrowind, and though I love the game to death, I think I almost literally love it to death. My biggest problem, I've yet to figure out the cause of.


I usually tend to play the game for, a good hour or so on my machine and doing random things, basically overland travel, until the game finally quits. It will freeze the screen for a second, minimize itself, and then shut down.


I don't really know what's going on since I'm running minimal programs on my machine, and it's a P4 with 70.5 GB harddrive, and 256 megs of RAM. If anyone has any idea as to what my problem is, help me!


I'm tired of running half-way across the Ashlands without saving, and then losing all that procedure in a random shut-down.

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Although it doesn't happen often, I play morrowind like 3 hours at a time and sometimes it quites on me, I dont know why but it does. So I just accept it and learn, heres something you can learn SAVE OFTEN, you dont even have to go into the menu just hit F5 and it'll quick save, that way if you mess up, you can hit F9 and it'll load quick save, or you can load quick save thro the save menu. its very handy, also have many save files for one char, you never know when you'll do something you'll regret
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I normally already do that. Well, I started to ever since the first time I earned a daedric axe and claymore, and then lost it through the cracks of my game shutting down. I almost cried that time ...
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like i said on the other post about this, morrowind crashes theres no way 2 fix it, just quicksave a lot and u'll be fine.


EDIT: oh yeah and if it crashes a lot while ur running around i've found the following helps:

setting ur fog distance to near, far tends to make it much more likely to crash.

making sure u dont jump too much, jumping into new areas can make it crash.

also running too fast into areas can make it crash very easily (like at 500 speed or something when u've fiddled with ur char in the console ^_^)

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what os and videocard do you have

it doesnt really matter i dont think... im on a 512mb ram, pentium 4 2.6ghz processor, geforce4 titanium graphics card, the computer's completely new and regularly defragged, scanned, spyware removed, firewalled etc etc etc


so even with a system above the ideal requirements for the game it still crashes


also on windows xp but its a myth that it slows down/makes games crash

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Well, thanks for all the help. And the XP thing, though I can see how it would basically suck the life out of a machine, it's a myth about really being able to notice it.


My games, most of the time don't miss a beat, even after a lot of game time (With the exception of crashing, of course, :))


But again, thanks for all the info, maybe someday my computer will be nice and not throw me off.

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