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Take the old house analogy.


You have a house. That house and the contents within are your own that you pay a mortgage for each month. If a guest comes in to your house and moves all your belongings, maybe steals them, writes on your walls, takes a dump in the toilet and doesn't flush (or doesn't even get it in the basin), screams out expletives, talks about subjects you have no interest in and plays music you dislike despite being asked not to would you protest and act off of these wrong-doings or would you say the person has free-will and should be allowed to act on it?


There is a right answer in that hypothetical question.

uh oh, site owner got involved



hehe, kidding

all in all, i agree with what most of you guys say, censorship is the job of the parent/person

if you dont wanna see it, dont look

if you dont want to hear it, dont listen

some things are just outright wrong, like sex in public

its fun... but wrong

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Take the old house analogy.


You have a house. That house and the contents within are your own that you pay a mortgage for each month. If a guest comes in to your house and moves all your belongings, maybe steals them, writes on your walls, takes a dump in the toilet and doesn't flush (or doesn't even get it in the basin), screams out expletives, talks about subjects you have no interest in and plays music you dislike despite being asked not to would you protest and act off of these wrong-doings or would you say the person has free-will and should be allowed to act on it?


There is a right answer in that hypothetical question.

It really depends on how you got into the house...


If you live in a country then you don't have a choice of being in the house, the house has a lot of other people in it along with you. Your freedom is limited it in the house due to the owner of the house setting up rules.


So if you don't have a choice to live in the house or not, everything changes in your analogy. If you do have a choice to live in the house or not you are correct, but without the ability to decide to go in the house its just restricting freedom.

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Censorship by the government should never be done. Its not the job of the government, its the job of a parent.


I agree.


Parents have a lifelong and deep responsibility over their children, not the goverment. Anything else would be nothing short of pure laziness.

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Censorship by the government should never be done. Its not the job of the government, its the job of a parent.


I agree.


Parents have a lifelong and deep responsibility over their children, not the goverment. Anything else would be nothing short of pure laziness.

my dad has always had the motto of "let them learn for themselves, while we help them"

so he has censored some stuff, but for the most part he lets me see and do what i want

within reason


oh and keanu, merry christmas to you too

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Censorship by the government should never be done. Its not the job of the government, its the job of a parent.


I agree.


Parents have a lifelong and deep responsibility over their children, not the goverment. Anything else would be nothing short of pure laziness.

my dad has always had the motto of "let them learn for themselves, while we help them"

so he has censored some stuff, but for the most part he lets me see and do what i want

within reason


oh and keanu, merry christmas to you too


My parents trust me to do the right thing, which gives me widespread freedom over this whole pornography thing although I don't indulge in it like some teenagers may do. I can think of some of my friends who do...



Oh and yes, you're welcome, and I hope your family can celebrate a good one this year.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Censorship isn't all bad, if it's used for proper reasons. If things that don't cause someone harm get censored it's often not "good" in my books. However, there should be certain limits on things like child pornography and what can be shown on television/played on a radio station. With the latter two, remember, that children often have easy access to both. Lotsa people don't want their young'uns running around using profanities. Overall though people ought to be given a choice, so long as that choice doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights.


Also, about the "lady parts" bit (no pun intended), it's incredibly difficult to determine morality. What may seem immoral to one person could be perfectly fine to another.

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Still not the governments job to watch your kids for you, learn how to use blocking software at the least...


If its really a big deal to people they should spend some time dealing with it instead of having the FCC censoring everything.


Also if something is used a lot and extremely commonly, people are going to learn about it regardless of age or blocks.

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Still not the governments job to watch your kids for you, learn how to use blocking software at the least...


If its really a big deal to people they should spend some time dealing with it instead of having the FCC censoring everything.


Also if something is used a lot and extremely commonly, people are going to learn about it regardless of age or blocks.

The issue is that not all parents have the time to watch their children that closely. I grew up with a single working mother. She was hardly around ever because she had to work herself ragged to support the family, and once I had started working to help out it could be weeks at a time before I'd see her. Hell, we even lived in the same house.


Also, the blocking software doesn't often work that well. My friend's nephew had it put on his computer and at just 10 years old he's already figured out how to get past it (his parents apparently don't want him on YouTube).


Aside from that, it is the government's job to enforce laws. Censoring certain things like pornography are well within their jurisdiction. Where I live, it's illegal to view such material under the age of 18. With child pornography, it's illegal at any age. Therefore, I have no problem that the government censors those sort of things. I also fail to see the issue with censorship of television and radio. I wouldn't want a child of mine watching Resident Evil when they were only six years old, or to be exposed to some of the more vulgar themes of music on the radio nowadays. In my eyes, there's no reason why government shouldn't be allowed to prevent a radio station from just blurting out "F#%^" whenever they so please.

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Censorship by the government should never be done. Its not the job of the government, its the job of a parent.


I agree.


Parents have a lifelong and deep responsibility over their children, not the goverment. Anything else would be nothing short of pure laziness.

my dad has always had the motto of "let them learn for themselves, while we help them"

so he has censored some stuff, but for the most part he lets me see and do what i want

within reason


oh and keanu, merry christmas to you too


My parents trust me to do the right thing, which gives me widespread freedom over this whole pornography thing although I don't indulge in it like some teenagers may do. I can think of some of my friends who do...



Oh and yes, you're welcome, and I hope your family can celebrate a good one this year.

my folks arent cool with porn, thats it

but i can be sneaky, there is more thazn one wireless network here... but i rarely do that, its not right



and no normal christmas, mom came over early to open gifts with me, going to my aunt's tomorrow... mom aint coming

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Big problem with censor chip is; who is goin to decide what we are having on the tube, the radio, the news papers?

Mr. Obama? G.W. Bush? Putin? Me? Sara Palin? :sick: Dark0ne?

Thank God for the On-Off button. We can choose what we want to look at and not to look at-same goes for our children. Piece of cake. Why should I as a individual miss something in my telly, because my neibour find it obscene? :wub: No way. :down:

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