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CS Crashes When Loading Custom Head Model


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Hello everyone,

I have been working on a new head custom sculpted from Head06 (making sure to keep vertex count and order the same as far as I'm aware), for a goblin race mod I'm doing. Every time I load it into the CS to replace the current goblin head, however, the CS crashes and I don't know why. I tested with the default Head06 (unmodified from throttlekitty's resource) as well and had the same happen so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
(I don't know if it has to do with being on Linux Mint 17.1 and running through Wine or not, as I sometimes have trouble installing external dependencies, especially ones such as the .NET framework)

Thank you for anyone who is willing to help, as this has been stumping me the last few days.


(skinned head mesh attached)

Edit: Oh, I didn't realise I was unable to attach it, so nevermind :/
Here is a link instead: https://www.mediafire.com/?klomnohpbww5jmb
And I created a tri and egm for the head using the Conformulator, with the base Head06 tri and alternately my goblin head with skinning, without skinning, as a nif, as an obj, and with all of them I've had the same results with crashing in the CS when I swap the head model and then try to view it in the "Facegen data" tab.

I'm not sure if perhaps in the process of importing and exporting I've somehow changed the vertex count or vertex order and messed things up because of that. Maybe I have, and that's why it's crashing.

I hope someone can help me with my predicament. Thanks in advance.

Edited by sandone
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You should have the nif, egm, egt and tri files in the same folder and they should have the same filename as the .nif file. I've never modded a head but I think it's because you're missing the egt file.

Btw, I downloaded your nif, placed it in a custom race's folder that I have installed, copied its egm, egt and tri files, renamed them after your nif and CS didn't crash. I even went in-game without crashing. The race's head looked the same though and the screen was blue lol.

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With the version of the nif including armatures (as in the above link), it will give me a message saying that it's a rigged mesh and may not deform properly, but it says "Converted 36 of 36 morphs." If I use it with no armatures, then it won't give that warning, but will still say it converted all the morphs. I'll try to test that soon, probably tonight. I suppose just replace the nif path of a helmet with the head model? I'll let you know the results when I do that.

I'm also going to do a dual boot of Windows sometime soon so I can run some of the programs I've been having trouble with, but still will mainly be on Linux, so that might help as well.


Thank you both for your replies. I'm glad there are still people helping each other with mods. :)

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Ah, seems like the problem, as far as I can tell, is that one of the other models (one of the teeth models) is corrupt. Everything else loads fine now so I just need to fix that.

Well...and there's also the lack of eye motion in the CS...so I'll probably have to go through your eye morph tutorial, Throttlekitty :P

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  • 1 year later...

I also got crash when try the custom helmet...it seem it fine when I make it into a hair with .egm file but when I try to make it into a head just like the Mythicdawn helmet I got crash and also I set it in hair slot in construction set....in nifskope it read error : infinite recursive bla bla bla...or something like that...I don't know what the cause of it ? any idea how to fix it ?

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