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Elemental Weakness


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Is there any way to make a creature take more damage from a particular element (fire) and less from another (frost)?




I'm thinking a spell effect added through script, but is there an easier way?




Failing that can someone write me a quick script to add a spell effect permanantly to a creature?





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Well there are the weakness to frost/fire/shock and resistance to frost/fire/shock spells. :happy:


No scripts are necessary I think. Unless you want to be able to add these resistances and weaknesses while playing the game. If you add them as a birthsign (ability) they will be permanent. Like Mankar Camoran's birthsign, which has an ability that gives him a 10% reflect damage bonus and more.

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That script would be like ... 4 lines.

Something like this one:

scn takemefiredamage
begin scripteffectstart
cast *MyWeaknessSpell*

The weakness spell should be an ability.


Still, I don't see why you don't just add the Weakness to Fire from the CS?

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If you're concerned that modifying the base creature might cause conflicts, you could use SetActorValue (NOT ModActorValue) as follows.

Find whatever you want to change, open the console, and select it.

SetAV ResistFire (GetAV ResistFire-x)

SetAV ResistFrost (GetAV ResistFrost+y)


Not sure if it accepts parenthesized values. If not, just do the math yourself.


If you want to change them usinga mod, include the above in a script that runs once. In this case, I recommend that you use fixed values, so as to prevent it from repeatedly increasing them.

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  Abramul said:
If you're concerned that modifying the base creature might cause conflicts, you could use SetActorValue (NOT ModActorValue) as follows.

Find whatever you want to change, open the console, and select it.

SetAV ResistFire (GetAV ResistFire-x)

SetAV ResistFrost (GetAV ResistFrost+y)


Not sure if it accepts parenthesized values. If not, just do the math yourself.


If you want to change them usinga mod, include the above in a script that runs once. In this case, I recommend that you use fixed values, so as to prevent it from repeatedly increasing them.

That wouldn't work.


set resist to GetAV ResistFire - x

SetAV ResistFire Resist


should work (from a script).


why not use


someguy.modav resistfire -x



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