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Archive Invalidation Problem


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So I've installed a few mods but none of them seemed to need an ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa file.


For instance I had Desert Succubus for my courier's body and Type3 BB Natural for the rest of the world.


The BB Natural works fine if I turn off Archive invalidation through FOMM and simply place the Archive Invalidation.TXT in my data folder.


Now whenever I try to install a mod that needs the BSA invalidation and INI tweaking, everything goes to hell. The meshes of said mod load correctly but the textures on them are wrong. Check out this thread and you'll understand: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/272192-textures-dont-fit-nudes-that-have-panties/


I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right. Have archive invalidation ON via FOMM, wrote ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in the INI files before the Fallout - Textures.bsa words but textures simply wont load that way :( What's the matter???

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So I've installed a few mods but none of them seemed to need an ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa file.


For instance I had Desert Succubus for my courier's body and Type3 BB Natural for the rest of the world.


The BB Natural works fine if I turn off Archive invalidation through FOMM and simply place the Archive Invalidation.TXT in my data folder.


Now whenever I try to install a mod that needs the BSA invalidation and INI tweaking, everything goes to hell. The meshes of said mod load correctly but the textures on them are wrong. Check out this thread and you'll understand: http://www.thenexusf...t-have-panties/


I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right. Have archive invalidation ON via FOMM, wrote ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in the INI files before the Fallout - Textures.bsa words but textures simply wont load that way :( What's the matter???


Look at Beware of Girl's Type 3 Description on the nexus - lists a solid archive order. Assuming you're using the old FO3 and follow her directions, you should resolve those issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I have same strangeness with Oblivion. I'm sure I've installed ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa to data\ folder and listed it correctly in INI-file, but it works not for all texture replacers. Then I use Automatic content validator to generate ArchiveInvalidation.txt file, and everything works fine. Then I DELETE ArchiveInvalidation.txt and replacers are STILL working fine, which means ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa works fine now for those textures.


My guess this behavior has something to do with this:



Warning: BSA-redirection relies on date precedence to override the textures BSA. This is generally not a problem, since most mod files are more recent than the standard Bethesda ones. Still, if you run into problems with some textures not loading, you may want to check the dates on the files. All replacement files must be dated more recently than the associated BSA file. If they're not, you can either give the BSA an older date or give the replacements a more recent date.

Your ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa should probaply have older modification date then other BSAs have for bsa-redirection method to work properly.

Edited by Edelnar
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