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Overreaction to paid mods


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I think we're all over-reacting a bit.

All we need to do is do what we did the day before, the day before that, and the day before the day before that.

Not use the steam workshop. Over my whole experience in Skyrim, I've installed maybe 3-4 Steam Workshop mods.


All we need to do is ignore this and move on, and nothing will happen.






This was more than just about Skyrim, you know. They started with Skyrim because it already sold all the copies that it would probably sell, beyond a few hundred here and there for really, really cheap. It's not an overreaction when you're trying to fight to keep gaming from becoming DLC after DLC after DLC.

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Overreacting? Hardly. Beftesda/Valve will KILL the modding community unless this is stopped immediately, though I fear even then it may be too late. Once people get that the idea that money can be made from modding, everyone will want to be in on it. Valve lied to gamers. They claimed they were introducing paid mods to support modders, but they are simply exploiting them to make easy money. Let the modders do the work and cash in on their effort. If they really supported modders they would let them keep 90% of earnings generated.


For future games, mod support will be DRM-ed and Limited to the Steam Workshop. You won't be able to install 3rd party mods from sites like ModDB or the Nexus, and pir8ted content will not work either. The game will phone home and will block unauthorized (non-Workshop) content. Companies will only support modding if they can make money from paid community created mods. Companies will ship buggy or incomplete games because they know modders will do their work for them, and these Publishers shall steal most of the earnings from Paid mods. Fallout 4 and TES6 will have 100s of Day1 payware mods. A load order of 200 mods will cost $500 :( Paid Skyrim mods may not generate much money for Valve & Theftesda because so many free mods are available, but this is about the future of gaming.


There are hundreds of wonderful mods for Bethesda games, and guess how many were created for profit. NONE. The modding community has thrived despite the absence of a profit motive.


Michael Albert: "Capitalism is the astonishing belief that the nastiest motives of the nastiest men somehow or other work for the best results in the best of all possible worlds."

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It seems from reading different people's posts, people have already forgotten Valve's policy on creative commons theft. I'm sorry, but the majority of modders have removed/hidden their content due to Valve OFFICIALLY saying anything that is uploaded ANYWHERE for free is fair game to be used in a paid mod. Stop pretending that can be ignored and it will just magically go away. Please research before you speak - to those that form these opinions of "it will solve itself." When has Valve EVER just solved a problem itself without backlash first?

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Personally, I am not so worried for skyrim itself, but what about future titles, where they can engeneer an ingame pay-wall, where it is almost impossible to make/install mods without going thru steamworks, or simular stratagy.


This is setting a precident, in which I am quite worried about. Will future games use this model? Will the only mods for fallout 4 be designed through steamworks?


Its the president that this sets that worries me. Not the effect it has on skyrim itself.

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When this will happen (and it will) people will find alternative ways to modding their game free of the workshop, by either blocking the game's access to the internet and creating cracks, or other ways.

I have bought copy of Borderlands but I play (played) on outside servers (because they work much better then the company ones did).

Free modding will find a way eventually, but this does not mean that things will be ok, actually they will be going to worse, and communities like ours will be left behind.

How we can escape this?

We can't because capitalism has allways been based on 1 principle: PEOPLE ARE GREEDY AND STUPID.

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I think we're all over-reacting a bit.

All we need to do is do what we did the day before, the day before that, and the day before the day before that.

Not use the steam workshop. Over my whole experience in Skyrim, I've installed maybe 3-4 Steam Workshop mods.


All we need to do is ignore this and move on, and nothing will happen.






This was more than just about Skyrim, you know. They started with Skyrim because it already sold all the copies that it would probably sell, beyond a few hundred here and there for really, really cheap. It's not an overreaction when you're trying to fight to keep gaming from becoming DLC after DLC after DLC.


Huh, thanks for the interesting responses people.


But then again, if we just ignored steam; let's say none of us ever knew paid mods were happening, I think Valve's evil program would've failed.

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