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broken steel wont start?!?!


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hey guys so im stuck, i cant get broken steel to start meaning when i start the purifier and get through that end game cinimatic im just stuck in the room where elder lions is and he wont move i cant walk and im just stuck, ive tried deactivating all my mods, ive tried a variety of console commands and patch 1.5 and 1.7 but no luck.


If anyone can help me with this that would be great.

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some mod is causing your problem


the fact that you got past the purifier into the hospital clearly demonstrates that borked steel is running


the command to continue is






however - its of better use to you to find out what mod is stopping you in the first place

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some mod is causing your problem


the fact that you got past the purifier into the hospital clearly demonstrates that borked steel is running


the command to continue is






however - its of better use to you to find out what mod is stopping you in the first place


hey thank you this helps a lot but whats wierd is that even when i disable all the mods i have except for brokensteel and fallout3.esm it still does the same thing

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