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Complete Transformation


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I know that probably no one is going to help me on this one, but I'll ask anyways. I was wondering if someone would be willing to make a total conversion mod that changes the land of Cyrodiil to Skyrim. Having all the caves and hills. Of course you would have to make new quests. This may take a team, but having Skyrim playable with all the perks of Oblivion. I would get some texture mods so that it looks better, but as a whole I would love a mod like this. I would do it myself, but I don't know how and would probably mess it up and I haven't played skyrim all that much to know whats what and where everything goes. It would be nice to have skyrim's main quest as the main quest for this total conversion mod. And we all know that the MERP project failed ,but we could give every oblivion player something to look forward to. Now if certain people would be willing to work on certain areas then go ahead start a team This would be much appreciated.Now I don't want anyone porting any content but to make it by themselves. Thanks.





EDIT: If you are NOT willing to help please let me know.

Edited by ilawana
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Well, I'm not willing to help so I guess I should leave a comment?


I have a few WIPs of my own, focusing on one of them that I'd really like to finish (we'll see about the rest) and I don't know if I'll even finish that since my life is a bit chaotic.

I have to ask, why the negativity? I'm talking about you saying "I know that probably no one is going to help me on this one".


By the way, instead of a conversion you could make Skyrim exist along with everything else like the makers of "Hammerfell - The Eastern Grasslands" did for instance. Just thought to give an extra option.


Good luck with your project!

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The negativity is because it's a huge project and not alot of people play oblivion. This is a project that may that would take a team and it probably isn't any ones priority. And I want a total conversion not just making the land of skyrim playable.

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That is never going to happen - unless another group like SureAI finds the idea interesting enough, which I doubt. And why would anyone bother making a total conversion when they can buy Skyrim with all the DLC on Steam for about thirty euros? And there might be a Steam sale some day that makes it possible to buy it even cheaper.


So I was wondering why you could not just play Skyrim instead? You have posted so many requests here on the forums, all of which I have seen are about making Oblivion like Skyrim. That would take an insane amount of work, as the game would basically need to be remade with the exception of the engine, spells and something else that could still be used in that total conversion of yours. And it would likely take years from a sizeable team. Do you even know what it takes to make a mod? So, like I said, that is never going to happen. Never. Oblivion is a completely different game, and that probably explains why people still play it and make mods for it. Those who want Skyrim can play Skyrim.


If I may ask, what is it that you truly want to achieve by having Oblivion turned into something like Skyrim? This is interesting. :)

Edited by PhilippePetain
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PhilippePetain, I would just get skyrim but I have a sister who likes oblivion better and isn't appreciative of the gore and darkness in skyrim. And yes I know what it takes to make a mod, I've made a few. There are certain things I like about oblivion better than skyrim. Like the main story line although I like skyrim's story line oblivion's was just done better. The graphics, on the other hand, are much better in skyrim than in oblivion. Also I like the gameplay in skyrim better than oblivion. So what I'm trying to achieve is to get a nice "in between" of both of the games by giving oblivion better graphics and better gameplay. Also some better models of armor, weapons, and clothing that look like skyrim's because oblivion's armor and stuff just look stupid. I've accomplished a lot of what I'm trying to do. I've found a few mods that improve the graphics of oblivion extremely without taking a lot of space on my computer. And I've found some armor mods that add skyrim like armor but not weapons or clothing and not even all of the armors. When I requested this I knew most likely it wouldn't happen, but from some of the comments I've seen a lot of people like a lot of stuff about oblivion better too. I was hoping some of those people would gather up to make this idea a reality. And sorry about the bugging about turning oblivion into something more like skyrim so many request and months of searching I have something very similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Between that, school, and writing my book I have a lot of work to do and I thought maybe someone would be willing to help. But I totally agree with you on most of what you said. So there's my story. :)

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Oh. I see. Apologies. I just assumed you were someone who has played Skyrim and now wants to play Oblivion, but wants Oblivion to be just like Skyrim or he/she is not going to play it because it is not exactly like Skyrim. It seems I got it a bit wrong. :D


About improving the armours... there is the Mass Outfit Redesign by ElAlquimista that improves the appearance of the armour. It has some more realistic, less 'revealing' options available despite the images showing mainly the 'revealing' options. I use it myself and have been quite impressed thus far, and I have yet to come across a too 'revealing' piece of armour. But just make sure you do not accidentally install anything too 'revealing' from that mod if your sister plays the game, too, unless it is only the gore and darkness she does not like


Here are some things I have found useful when trying to improve the graphics. You have most likely already found most of them (or something similar), and they may not be too small when combined (I use MO so the size does not really matter to me), but here are some of the ones I have found interesting:


Weather - All Natural

Really AEVWD

The Imperial Ecology 4

Arboretum - retexture for a tree-hugging crowd

Bomret's SI Texture Pack

Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized

Everything by Lougian (except for the Cyrodiil landscape retexture, as it is too brown for me)

Local Guards Features

Mass Outfit Redesign

Oblivion Reloaded - OBGE

Combat Stance Reanimation

Oblivion - Enhanced Camera

DarkUId DarN

Themed Loading Screens for Dark UI

Welkynd and Varla Stone Retextures

Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer

Kafeis Better Ring Replacer

Oblivion Character Overhaul 2


And a lot more. Those are just the ones I remember at the moment. :smile: Other mods making the game look better would be Open Cities Reborn and Better Dungeons. I do not use Unique Landscapes myself, but from what I have heard, it is a nice mod, as well. The Nexus is full of mods to improve graphics. For gameplay, I have Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. For leveling I use Realistic Leveling. Enhanced Economy makes money more valuable for the player (because there is less of it).


Hopefully you will manage to make the game look as good as you wish. Others will probably be able to suggets some mods, as well.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Thanks for the help. Is there a way to make the body replacers not nude and get rid of any option for not nude? And is there anyway to make it so there aren't any bouncing breast. And no need to be sorry i wasn't offended by your comment.

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I believe most body replacers should have meshes with underwear included. So that when installing the mod, there should be meshes with underwear available, too. When you have downloaded a body replacer, it should have folders for meshes and textures. In the meshes folders going to be installed to your data folder, there are files for different parts of the body, like upper body and lower body. They should be named pretty self-explanatory (something like femaleupperbody.nif, I do not remember exactly).


When you have found the meshes going to be placed in the data folder, you can search the downloaded files (or read the readme if it has instructions) for the optional meshes with underwear. Then, you can replace the default upper and lower body meshes with the ones tha have underwear on them.


Of course, the replacer might come packaged so that it can be installed using a mod manager, when it should be possible to easily select between meshes that have clothing and meshes that do not. And I suppose there should not be any 'bouncing breasts' by default, unless you install a mod that adds them. The combat stance reanimation mod replaces some animations, so it might be worth checking if it adds any bouncing, and if it does, not install it. It also has some issues with Enhanced Camera, for the 360 degrees animations look interesting when first-person body is enabled in Enhanced Camera. :D


I am really bad at giving installation instructions. Someone like Striker would be much better at this... :)

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Use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion for a female body replacer (it comes with a non-nude option and a complete armor/clothing replacer). HGEC has the widest available variety of realistic and non-realistic armor and clothing replacers/additions. You could also use Roberts Female Body v13 ... it also has a non-nude option and includes a compatible armor/clothing replacer. There are fewer other clothing/armors available for Roberts female though.


To avoid the infamous "boobs to infinity" problem down the road when you install a mod that is BBBed (which means almost all clothing/armor mods created in the last 5 years) install a BBBed skeleton.nif such as Universal Skeleton Nif. Install the ControlableSkeleton version not the TotalControlableSkeleton version unless you know you have a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, in which case understand the limitations and workarounds required for that version.


Providing you don't install any BBBed animations/animation replacers you won't have bouncing boobs and will be able to use any compatible armor/clothing you desire (HGEC requires HGEC compatible armor/clothing and Roberts female requires Roberts female compatible armor/clothing ... the two don't mix and match).

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