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Death of a (Chorrol) Salesman


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One of the more pleasant habits in the game for me has been stopping in Chorrol to sell the loot I've picked up to Rasheda. But now, I find Rasheda dead...murdered by her daily visitor Sabine Laul! I presume this is one of those glitchy random little AI things that should never happen, but do anyway. I've gone back a few saves, but every time I enter the shop to find Rasheda slumping to the floor. Is there anything I can do to resurrect the sweet little blacksmith?
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There's a console command to resurrect characters. 'Resurrect', I believe.


If push comes to shove, you can always use Sabine as your Chorrol blacksmith (talk about aggressive marketing tactics) if you're a Fighters' Guild member.


I just noticed by your somewhat inaccurate title that all the vendors in Chorrol are women.

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I think that the suffix "man" is unviversal for person.






Isn't it "men" if it's a plural form of the noun? Or, wait, you would put Sales Woman (or Sales Women)!


Anyway, the downside to typing resurrect on a dead shop owner is that they won't open up their shop! You have to click on the door and type unlock to get the door unlocked. Then they'll probably say "Get out!", though.

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