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Bow remesh


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Okay, I got a bow, it's a hack job of the Dark Bow, but i'd like someone with better Blender skills (I'm terrible) who can remove the snake heads and make the bow end in a more rounded, narrow poit, preferrably right below the snake heads so it's shorter than it was.


If I make no sense, I am sorry.


Here is the bow to be modified: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RKIS2HM1

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You wouldn't happen to be the same person as kieranfoy / Semberflay would you? Hmmm....after a bit of research and comparisons, you seem to be one-in-the-same.


** Unlatches the safety restraints on the mighty ban hammer....raises it slowly...takes careful aim...waits...waits...ka-twack!!! **


3rd account banned as well


** Cleans off hammer with a throw-away rag, sprays it with disinfectant, returns it to his side and latches safety harness. **


My job here is done. Nothing more here to see...move along people.


LHammonds (File Admin)

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