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Heal-over-time Stimpaks with a "cooldown"


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As the topic says, I'm trying to figure out a way to have a game enforced (as opposed to player enforced, i.e. waiting to use the next one) "cooldown" on stimpaks that have been modded to heal over a duration, not instantly (see Delayed Stimpaks if you need an example.


I'm new to modding, so the solution to this might be obvious. Alternatively the solution might be impossible, I just don't know.


A few things I've tried that have failed:


1). Attach a condition of "HasMagicEffect: RestoreHealthStimpak" to the Stimpak object.

2). Add a script to the Stimpak object that checks to see if the RestoreHealthStimpak effect is running. However I don't know (is it even possible?) how to make the script terminate using the object if it finds the effect active.

3). Strip the Stimpak of all effects except a "dummy" effect which serves as the delay effect for a corresponding script. The script, which is run on activation of the Stimpak checks for the "dummy" effect. If it's absent, it applies the RestoreHealthStimpak effect. If present, it simply ends without applying the healing. I thought this was the best chance of getting it to work but this method results in Stimpaks that do no healing whatsoever.


I'm getting close the point of giving up on this project, which is a shame because it seems like it should be possible. Hence my looking for advice here.


Thanks, oh and Merry Christmas!

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