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TES V Nexus


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Knowing Dark0ne (who strikes me as a guy that uses the KISS approach), it'll probaly be called the Skyrim Nexus (I mean, we all know it's ES, right?). You google for Skyrim and *bing* that Nexus branch pops up.


And I agree with Eiries to a degee - think a royal blue would be more fitting for ESV (if possible)

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Royal blue's too dark, it'd be too painful to read on the gray background if you know what I mean. (Protip: if you use the white forum scheme, then you probably don't know what I mean. ;) )


But if it's this kind of royal blue, based on Wikipedia's page, I dig it.


I agree.

I like a happy medium :biggrin:

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It'll be separate, I'm sure of that. I just wonder how it'll be named. Skynexus :P? (Skynet xD ?)


Run for the hills, skynet and the apocalypse are coming! The site bot is going to kill us all, the end is nigh.


BTW, I agree with Eiries.

Edited by Jagermh
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Has it even been confirmed yet, that TES5 will have a dev tool? Because it's not based on gamebyro, so there is a high chance, that it will not have a dev tool at all. The gamebyro devtool was designed for morrowind at first, at times, when the console market wasn't as strong as now. Seeing the current direction of bethesda philosophy I wouldn't bet a cent, that they will develope a entire new user dev tool as it would be required with a new engine.
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