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Thane has more political say


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As many people know, the title of thane is more or less a get out of jail free card. that's the way I viewed it and while the Become High king of Skyrim mod is great, I think that people can expand upon the Thane aspect of the game. I'm sure that you noticed in Solitude there are two thanes in the court of Elisf (yes I realized I killed her name. I don't remember how to spell it. XD) and they claim they have a lot of sway in her court.


I tossed an idea with my younger brother, and I would like to see a mod that adds something to the Thane side of things. Be able to rule a little village or have some say in the courts like a random event where the jarls ask your opinion of a case or need your advise on a certain action. Or the Jarl needs you to take some guards and attack a bandit control fortress. Granted you can do this on your own, but it's always good to have help. Be able to improve your relations with the guards the more fortresses you reclaim for the lord you follow. Be able to hold said fortress until the bandits respawn and fight for control of it. Something to feel that the Thane title isn't just a get out of jail free card. This is Skyrim! Not monopoly.


I have looked through the Nexus and a couple other places and haven't found anything like this and I think it would be cool if there was.


P.S. Wait it can be with the Skyrim Tycoon mod. Lol.

Edited by Shadowtim3
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I'm all for this; would be great for the immersion factor. You're right, you see Thanes holding a great deal of sway in each Jarl's court, but when we get the title it's like 'ok thanks bye.' Would really like to see some work put toward this or the Immersive Jobs post that was up here recently. That request and this one would fit together nicely

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