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need help with adding multiple mod assets into one via FNVEdit

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ok so i've been doing follower overhauls lately (for my own personal use) and i've hit an issue...

the blasted hair mods

there's like 4 or 5 out there and they all have styles i like but due to not being able to use em all at once i can't really make my personal overhauls the way i like

my question is... how would i use FNVedit or if i have to go there, the geck to combine the hair styles into one mod?

i've tried numerous times but to no avail

i've looked through the FNVEdit guide and couldn't find how to do this

unless what i need to do is a merged patch

basically i'm trying to add assets from the other mods into just one

any help would be greatly appreciated :D






ok so i read the FNVEdit Training Manual and did it step by step on merging mods

yet when i do everything only ONE mod's styles show's up under the npc hair menu

BUT when i go under Character > Hair they're all there! i jsut can't do anything with em it seems

soo still needing some help >.<

oh and i have no idea how Wrye bash works so i can't use it

i'm only familiar with FNVEdit



Edited by WrathofOmega666
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You're required to make a merged patch i believe. Last time I did a merged patch was using Wrye Bash. I'm not sure if now-a-days MO has that option to do so. So basically I'm recommending you to use Wrye bash to create the merged patch you need.

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