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Bound Upper Torsos?


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So I saw a K-Cup mod, and I thought it would be perfect to put on Maeva the Buxom as an exclusive to the only NPC that is specifically called out for her upper torso proportions. Only problem is that the only way I can see to do this is to make an item out of it. But I had the idea to do it as a permanent bound item effect (as in: always active).


Is this possible?


To do so would have some interesting implications, such as now having the possibility of putting a bound effect on each race allowing different breast sizes (plus I could see all the extra tissue providing armor bonuses, or perhaps AGI/SPD bonuses for smaller than standard HGEC size). The unfortunate side effect is that they would walk around without upper torso clothing. Or I guess that would be unfortunate for someone who was bothered by that. So yeah... does anyone know how to use the construction set to create a permanent effect?

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No need for that ... just use Blockhead. It does both PerRace overrides and PerNPC overrides all with a simple renaming the appropriate files and putting them into the correct folder path.

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