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Grapple Hook


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Nope, don't think so. Game engine limitations.


Actually it is very possible


Ever heard of Thieves Arsenal ? That mod has arrows which you can shoot which summon a rope that you can climb up. With some tweaking to the scripts , it could be done. You would have to find a good scripter experienced with OBSE though http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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in Fearsome magika thee is this teleportation spell where you aim, press C then you kinda fly to that point. So it is possible.

Not to bump the thread but... I think this could easily be done. Your remark of the teleportation spell made me think of it.


Think of Mark and Recall from Morrowind. All mark did was place a xmarker, or xmarkerheading, at your location. Then recall moved to the player to the marker. So, this is my idea. You cast a spell, called something like "Grappling Hook". When it hits the target, it places an xmarker(heading), and moves you to it. Then, after a few seconds, it moves back to its holding cell. (it doesn't have to, but it would save some conflicts if used inside a mod with a custom dungeon, and the player leaves without summoning again and it gets deleted with the mod.)


Sorry if this is bumping,


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Hmm , Lord Frostcraig if you can make a WORKING script of it I could make a grappling hook model and an animation for it

Why is it when I make a suggestion, you people make me do it?! WHY!!!


Lol, I'll look in the CS. See what commands I think of in my boredom.



It appears that there really is no way to do this. The script commands that could be used wouldn't really work to send it there. If there isn't a reference that it hits, then it can't move to it.

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