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I cant find the default Oblivion Meshes


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Im trying to make a static version of a repair hammer to put on my anvil, but when I go to create a new object with the repair hammer .nif, I cant find it?


Would this have something to do with BSA Unpacking, Ive looked it up but not entirely sure...


If so, can someone tell me how to safely unpack my BSA's.


Im sorry, I know this is another stupid question :wallbash:

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it is indeed due to the BSAs

to unpack them, i think you can just double click them, and if you have OBMM, you should be able to unpack them

though if all you are trying to do, is use the repair hammer, than you should probably only extract that specific mesh, and not all the meshes, as the BSA is quite large, and there may be problems if you unpack it all (i know that in New Vegas there is a problem with unpacking the hair folders and such, so it might also happen in Oblivion, though i don't know for sure)

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it is indeed due to the BSAs

to unpack them, i think you can just double click them, and if you have OBMM, you should be able to unpack them

though if all you are trying to do, is use the repair hammer, than you should probably only extract that specific mesh, and not all the meshes, as the BSA is quite large, and there may be problems if you unpack it all (i know that in New Vegas there is a problem with unpacking the hair folders and such, so it might also happen in Oblivion, though i don't know for sure)


I have OBMM, but I cant find the unpacker, I go into BSA Browser but it only display all the mods ive installed?

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I'm using BSA Commander to extract files from BSA.


Thank you :) this is perfect.


:) thank you thank you thank you :)


Oh, will the meshes still work in the construction set if I unpack them to an exterior folder? Like a new folder on the desktop? If not then how do I safely extract them to my Oblivion directory without muddling up everything?

Edited by SylvanRuin
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i've been mistaken, i guess OBMM doesn't unpack BSAs

just tried it, and still it launched FOMM, not OBMM

sorry for the mistake


good to see that you have solved it though :)


Thats alright :) we all make mistakes, some more than others... (me) hehe


Thank you :)


EDIT - According to Smooth, you were right anyways :)

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