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Knights of th Nine Dead Zone


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I got all my armor and weapons and now I just have to go to the Knights of the Nine Priory and make my plan to defeat the evil whatshisname.


Only I can't get there. The program freezes. I've tried teleporting from different locations. It freezes. I've tried walking in from different angles. It freezes. Any attempt to get into that quadrant freezes the program.


Any suggestions?


Any way of altering the data files so the DLC thinks I've talked to the ghosts so I can continues?



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No mention of anything like this in the UESP Wiki for the KotN. Have you tried the old "coc center wait" trick?

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Open the console using the tilde (~) key found just below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You will be transported to an open field with some trees in the distance. Using the in-game wait menu (by default the "t" key) wait for 3 full days and then some extra for good measure. Open the console again and "coc weye" (again without the quote marks). You'll be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye and from there see if your problem still exists (you can coc to another location when coming back if you know the correct location code for that location).

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The UESP Wiki reports these as the console location codes: NDPrioryoftheNineBasement, NDPrioryoftheNineHouse, NDPrioryoftheNineChapel & NDPrioryoftheNineUndercroft.


The coc wait trick just give the game a chance to sort out things by allowing all the cells to reset without the player in the normally used game cells. If the problem is something that will benefit from getting a fresh start it will work ... if the problem is more resource related the problem will still be waiting for you when you get back to Cyrodiil.


Looking at the UESP walkthrough I see you must have been to the Priory before to get the cuirass (I still have never done the KotN quest). To me that should eliminate a problem with the Priory itself. Have you had any hic ups along the way or used the console to force the quests?

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I've been to and through the Priory and surrounding lands several times. I've not used the console for anything except naming my horses and killing off a pesky unicorn. BTW, the quest is very much in flavor with the game--unlike Shivering Isles.



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