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Knights of th Nine Dead Zone


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My current character is on the verge of doing the KotN (I use SM Plugin Refurbish so I need 15 fame to get the quest). In all likelyhood though it'll be fall by the time I get around to it (summer season isn't the time for gaming on the computer). Looking forward to both KotN and KotN: Revelations when I get back at it.


Can't think of much else to be of help. All I can suggest is to use the console command "getstage <questID>" to figure out exactly where the game is at in the quest stages. Use the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Knifghts of the Nine Quests to get the questIDs (you may also be able to figure out where you're at by checking your quest log and comparing what it says with the quest stages table at the bottom of each quest page).


If you can figure out exactly what quest stage you're on you can try advancing the quest one step using the console command "setstage <questID> <stage>" (no quote marks or <> brackets of course).

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Looking at the stages of ND08 (The Sword of the Crusader) you may get some clues towards figuring out what's going on by comparing what your quest log says and the quest stages table at the bottom of this page (the text differs if the sword has been reconsecrated or not and if any Aurorans are left alive ... see stages 70 and 80, could be something is bunched into a knot there).

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Okay, coc ndprioryofthenineundercroft worked. All that trouble to hear the words, "Crusader, you should speak to The Prophet."


Thanks again Striker.



Edited by MuggleDude
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Just a follow-up. I got through the quest, but I still could not enter the quadrant in which the priory is in. So to go from the priory to the chapel, I had to use coc. But I got it done. I think I'm going with a fresh install when the game is done.



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