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Shield Stance.


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Something I noticed a long time ago was the shield stance, when a character or NPC is carrying a shield. In combat mode looks ok but you sheath your weapon, the shield is holded as if weren't there and in a position I think is incorrect. Now, I'm not Skallagrim, I don't really know much about medieval shields and weapons and how to use them but as it is, is very ugly looking. I think shields should be carried in a more rigid way even out of combat. I'll leave a screenshot from another game to show what I mean.




As you can see the shield is being held in a more firm way and I think looks great. Now, I don't know if this is a heavy request, something that would require a lot of modding skill or something that it's even impossible but I had to ask.



In any case, thanks in advance.

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Well technically the shield stance is pretty realistic. The bes way to carry a shield if you have to keep it in hand is to hold it naturaly, your arm along your body (yes sorry but English is not my mothertongue).

The stance in the picture is way more exosting and not practical, because he obviously has to have his hand on his hip (it's basicaly a "exposind" stance) which is not the more comfortable stance to walk.


The real problem with the shields in Skyrim is the way they hold it during the fights. As all the shields have a center grip, half the shield is suposed to rest on the forearm but they aren't. The character is just holding his shield in front of him, meening that any attack that doesn't exactly hit the center of the shild (the only part that rest on something: the hand) will deflect the shield (as the hand is acting like a pivot point) and break the wrist, and maybe hit the character (as the shield has pivot).

Edited by castielarchangel
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