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Malicious ad/further hacking?


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Foiled again :ninja:

Thank you! I wondered what that was about; I was redirected to a page that said something similar to "please take a minute to visit our sponsor", which would then allow me to create a cartoon avatar akin to Greenwarden's. I figured it was entirely harmless. :)

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I think you need to find ads that use better methods. Redirecting when I click on tabs and etc that will try and get me to click for "free cursors" or some other junk I don't need.


Oh and it doesn't let me skip.

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For some reason when I use Middle mouse button to open things in new tabs it doesnt work. Neither does ctrl + click. I have to right click > open in new tab to open items in that way. Works fine everywhere else, though. Even on this site. Edited by Jazzyy
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It seems that the add is malfunctioning, cause when going to tesnexus.com for example, the redirect stops to execute, meaning it wont redirect if your not logged into the site.

Anyway, after logging in, nothing causes any trouble it seems, and maybe some browsers seem to have issues with the redirect stopping and not forwarding to the link from before.

Could be a minor issue though.

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Sorry Dark0ne.. unless this was during your "fixerupper" I also got a redirect from a file ..I was looking at the files Image section and instead got redirected.. my script blocker and spam protection blocked the ad but did report it ,as well I had not gotten to the images for this file.. closing the browser window to that page and reopening it resolved the issue....BUUUT.. I'm not a premium member.. just little miss ordinary.


P.S. it only happened to me one time... so hey.. it may have been during your work resolving the issue.. no biggie..

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