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Issues warpaints and Creation Kit


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Hello everyone,


I experiment an issue with the CK and warpaints. Everything is fine when i create a npc untill i want to modify her appearance. Everything matches except the warpaint that not appear on her face (in CK). It's strange because they are present in the list but when i select one, they don't appear on my npc (still in the ck). I don't use any mod that modify warpaint except XCE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2356/?


Someone has an idea?




A french user

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Hey there Cyborgkatze,


Forgive me if I am misinterpreting the problem here, but are you saying that you are making a character in the game and int he game they look perfect, but when you SPF them so they will show up in the Creation Kit, they do not have the warpaint showing anymore?


If that is the case, have you tried manually adding it in the Creation Kit, by going to your NPC's Character Gen Parts tab, scrolling down in the textures box until you get to the warpaints, and increasing the Interpolation Value?


I only ask because even though you SPFed your NPC and imported it to the Creation Kit, for some reason the Interpolation Value (which controls the color intensity for things such as warpaint) might be set at 0 for the warpaint you specifically added.

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first thank you for you reply. That's exactly the point, when I create my character in game, the war paints work perfectly but when i import him/her in the CK, the warpaints don't appear. They are in the list in CK. I tried to modify the interpolation value but it doesn't seem to work. I guess i have to try harder, i will try again.


Thank you again :)


A french user

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first thank you for you reply. That's exactly the point, when I create my character in game, the war paints work perfectly but when i import him/her in the CK, the warpaints don't appear. They are in the list in CK. I tried to modify the interpolation value but it doesn't seem to work. I guess i have to try harder, i will try again.


Thank you again :smile:


A french user

You need to place the dds file you get when exporting a characters head via RaceMenu at the right place (if you make an esp, there should be a folder called "pluginname".esp in Data/textures/actors/character/facegen/facetint.) Besides, the CK doesn't necessarily show the warpaints in the editor, sometimes you need to boot up the game to see if they show up correctly. E.g., as soo as I open my follower mod in the CK and save again (without changing anything), the CK gives him a preset face, I need to change facetint and headmesh manually.

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