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Someone gave Civ V as an example for steam games (I know nothing about this steam thing). But I have a normal version of it. Just putting the CD in and playing it. Is this because that game has both versions in the market?

I'm not sure, but I have steam, and it autolinked up when I installed Civ 5, and now it doesn't work in fullscreen and crashes like every couple minutes :wallbash:.I asked 2K and they said Steam was doing it.

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I really hate those mods where they have a girl looking like a 10 year old anime puppet carrying a sword the size of a cannon and screaming "nyah! hah!" like a hello kitty or something and when people endorse it saying "oh my god, that is such a great mod!".. I mean THAT is departing from the TES tradition..


I have to say this really isn't my thing either. I just shrug, roll my eyes, and look for something I do like.

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