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Anyone else having problems with Story Manager in the CK?

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Hello fellow mod authors!

I'm in the middle of building my own mod and I've been trying to make the quests to start through Story Manager events, but for some reason I can't get a single one of my custom quests to start through those. I've tried everything I can think of and I've scoured the whole internetz for answers but couldn't found any. Anyone here with more experience on the matter who could shed some light into this problem? Originally had them "Start Game Enabled" which worked just fine. Changing them back to that and generating a new SEQ file works too.


Here's how I set-up the Kill Actor Event:






Also tried the Change Location Event and followed the online guides to the letter, but no dice.


Anyone else had these kinds of problems with the Story Manager? If so, how did you fix them?

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I have to ask the obvious question, but you have ticked the "Kill Actor Event" in the Quest Event box yes? You don't need SEQ files for SM enabled quests and shouldn't be enabled as such.


Then fill the requisite alias(s) with event actors




You've also got stringent conditions on the conditionals, I'd try loosen them up as well. Basically loosen it up as much as possible until you know it works then tighten them up to suit.


The other thing is make sure you're using a "clean" save i.e. one where you don't have your quest already running in your savegame as the SM can be very finickity with existing quests that are suddenly modified, it doesn't like them and will usually simply fail to trigger.


Its a fussy beast at the best of times. Even COC'ing out of a cell when one of its quests are running will stop it dead in its tracks in my experience. If you type


sqv <my quest name> it'll tell you if your quest is stopped or currently running and what aliases are filled, if any. if its already running and the quest conditions for completion aren't met it'll just keep on running and basically hold up the entire SM event queue. Fussy indeed.

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Heya. Thanks for the reply!


I've indeed selected the 'event' for the quest. I've had the old SEQ files in my Data folder the whole time, could that affect SM?

I always use fresh characters (COC from main menu) to see if everything is actually working before using my decked out characters to test it further. Learned this the hard way. Scratching my head for about 12 hours before figuring out that my old character, though hadn't completed the quest or any of its objectives, had had the previous version running in the background before.


What do you mean by filling requisite aliases? Does the Story Manager require some specific sets of aliases for the quest to start?

I'm pointing straight to a Unique NPC, not his quest alias when checking the event conditions, do you mean that I should point the conditions to his alias instead? I thought the alias wouldn't be filled until the quest is actually running. Sorry, I'm fairly new to making quests. To my defense, the system seems to be a bit of a pain to learn on your own as well. :S

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Hmm. How do you manage that given the quest isn't actually running to fill the aliases with actual references before the Story Manager fires it off? It's quite paradoxical. :D

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I have only used Change Location and Script events but have found them reliable. Have you set up an alias(s) in you quest that finds the reference(s) from Story manager?


If not you need an Alias (you can call it what you like) with the fill type "Find Matching Reference". The first drop down box has the option for whichever event type your quest is set for and the second is the event data the quest is responding to. In you case you will need 2 Alias set up like this one for Attacker and one for Victim and probably one for location as well come to think of it.


Note these are not the Alias' you will set up for the actual NPC's. If you have already done all this that's me stumped as well!


Also the SEQ file makes no difference to the workings of SM and indeed you would need one if you had game enabled quests as well.

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