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Oblivion Disable/Edit Statistics


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Is there any way to disable or edit the Statistics

I tried the "modpcmiscstat Statid #" command but it doesnt work with every stat

like Master Skills, Novice Skills... or shivering isle bounty

Edited by Tegwyn
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Here's a UESP Wiki page on console commands: Oblivion:Console Commands. Look at the commands "getav" (to see the current value) and "setav" and "getcrimegold" and "setcrimegold". Follow the linked Actor Value Indices to get the correct name for any values.


Those commands require a target so to see your characters current fatigue value for instance it is "player.getav fatigue" (no quote marks) and to set it would be "player.setav fatigue XX" (with XX being the amount you wish to change it by ... -XX to lower it). To use it on other NPCs you just need to open the console and click on the target NPC to get their refID displayed and then you don't need the "player." part (so just "setav fatigue -75" to lower an NPC's fatigue by 75 points).

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