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Dragon Lilly UNP Support


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Hey, i just noticed that mod called Dragon Lilly, which is beautiful and i had a dream about a world where UNP version with no HDT high heels, HDT Physics and HDT Skeleton required of this mod existed. Actually, it's a dream because the author doesn't want to make it happen since he doesn't and wont use UNP (and from that he thinks he doesn't need to give the players another version, even if they ask for it).

So if anyone here can and want to make a UNP support for this mod, i'll be thankful :)


Here's the mod :



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And what about all the physics? Personnally, i can't risk to destroy my entire game adding some HDT or FNIS to the system.

well the HDT could be removed if you learn how, though the heels cant be. honestly though adding them wont be a bad thing. they dont add a lot of strain to the game and generally are quite easy to implement. even the heels one, which i hate when folk decide to make high heels for armors instead of boots, but honestly you only need the mod to allow the armor to be put in game you dont need to use the heeled boots or whatever that comes with the armor.

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