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Tib's Meshes


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Have you release any of them yet??


I really like Martel de Fer :D


Nope and I dont plan to release them for a while. When I will they will all be packed in one mod :).

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  • 2 months later...

Long time ago since last post. Well, lots has happened since last time. The most important thing is that I changed modeling software :). I have 3ds Max now, and so far, I can't get enought of it.


By following a tutorial, I managed to recreate the P 38 Lighting (link to image), a WWII plane.






Wikipedia says:


The Lockheed P-38 Lightning was a World War II American fighter aircraft. Developed to a United States Army Air Corps requirement, the aircraft had twin booms with the engines mounted forward and a single, central nacelle containing the pilot and armament. The engine sounds were a unique, rather quiet "whuffle," because the exhausts were muffled by the turbochargers of the twin Allison V12s. There were early problems with cockpit temperature regulating; pilots were often too hot in the tropics as the canopy could not be opened without severe buffeting, and were often too cold in northern Europe as the distance of the engines from the cockpit prevented effective heating. However, later variants of the P-38 received modifications that solved this problem.


The aircraft was used in a number of different roles. It was equipped with droppable fuel tanks under its wings, and used extensively as a long-range escort fighter. The Lightning was also used for dive bombing, level bombing, ground strafing and photo reconnaissance missions.[3] The P-38 was used most extensively and successfully in the South West Pacific theater, where it was credited with destroying more Japanese aircraft than any other Allied fighter.[citation needed]


Note: the mesh is not textured yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing around with Max today and I came up with this.


NOTE: It is not textured. The orange is simply a color I've chosen in max for my mesh.




Hircine's Helm.



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There are a couple areas where the mesh could use some smoothing, but roesn't look too bad. It might not fit the player too well though.


Yeah, I though so as well. It is only a WIP though, I don't think I will even get it in game, unless I am requested to, because UV mapping really bores me.


It wouldnt fit the player too well, but that can be fixed without too many problems, if I ever decide I want to walk around in that not-so esthetical thing on my head.


I started from a cylinder, I wanted to make some horns, then decided to make a Balrog, then I decided to make a helm. I changed my mind quite often with this mesh.

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Here's another one for you. It started off as an arena... Then I made it a tower, transformed the tower into an observation platform, copied it and edited it a little, then decided to add a bridge between the two towers. Then I made some walls. With a couple more walls and towers, this could make interesting city fortifications.


The brige is not relied to the tower's cable things (broken). I though I would make it fly or something. That's what people use alteration for, right?




Again, not textured.

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Re: your P-38. Three comments:


1) You've got some major accuracy problems, including a lot of missing details. Find some good 3-view perspective drawings, and use them as your viewport backgrounds. It'll help your accuracy a ton. If I were you, I'd scrap the whole thing and start over.


2) If you're going to use reflective surfaces, get a better renderer and lighting setup. You'll need radiosity, a good raytracer, and an environment map if you want it to look convincing.


3) You'll also need to model a lot more detail (panel lines, bump maps, etc) if you want that kind of glossy finish. But it's too reflective anyway, real aircraft skin has very blury reflections, not a mirror-smooth polished finish.

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