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Progressive Access


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Alright, so in the bunker I'm creating, power is at a premium. Entire sections of the base are shut down simply because of a lack of power. No power, no access. I want the player to be able to progress deeper into the bunker by repairing power infrastructure along the way. How would I have to set up the levels in order to do this?

EDIT: I also was wondering if it is possible to "silence" energy weapons as the Gauss rifle should be silent- no chemical propellants, only magnetic coils (or rails) and assuming the bullet doesn't break the sound barrier or anything like that, it shouldn't create any noticeable noise.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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In reality,a gauss cannons shot WILL break the sound barrier with relative ease,the latest one(MKlll ship based ones launch a bowling ball sized aluminum slug I THINK 10 times the speed of sound,so a man sized one would have to be several times,unless it was subsonic or running low on power)
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I figured it might... since you seem to be knowledgeable, I have three science questions. First, as I've heard that lasers are occluded (is that the right word?) in atmosphere, which is why they can be visible (am I getting that right?). If a laser was focused to an extremely thin diameter, would it be visible or not? Also, I assume that a bullet breaking the sound barrier would create a loud noise, but there wouldn't be any flash, and the sound would reach the target well after the projectile... so would it, in effect, be "silenced" if it was used at the relatively close ranges it is in game? I would think a subsonic projectile would be preferable at less extreme ranges, particularly on a personal weapon, due to power requirements. My third question is whether an "incendiary" round could be created with alloys with lower melting points (assuming that the future society can use some technique to make it magnetic) at subsonic speeds, or is air friction not as powerful as I thought?
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I figured it might... since you seem to be knowledgeable, I have three science questions. First, as I've heard that lasers are occluded (is that the right word?) in atmosphere, which is why they can be visible (am I getting that right?). If a laser was focused to an extremely thin diameter, would it be visible or not? Also, I assume that a bullet breaking the sound barrier would create a loud noise, but there wouldn't be any flash, and the sound would reach the target well after the projectile... so would it, in effect, be "silenced" if it was used at the relatively close ranges it is in game? I would think a subsonic projectile would be preferable at less extreme ranges, particularly on a personal weapon, due to power requirements. My third question is whether an "incendiary" round could be created with alloys with lower melting points (assuming that the future society can use some technique to make it magnetic) at subsonic speeds, or is air friction not as powerful as I thought?



1) Yes and no,depending on the wavelength and power of the emitter,it may or may not be powerful enough to be in the visible wavelengths (ROYGBIV),the fallout universe lasers to me,must be a combination of Solid state lasers(AKA Ruby Lasers) and Chemical lasers,due to the ability to rapidly fire,and maintain a visible stream.The chemical laser would allow the rapid fire while the solid state crystal matric would allow the accuracy and focusing of the beam.The laser damage however would be burning,rather severely.And to power such a device you would need sometimg small and light hence the MF cells and ECPs.


2)Actually with a gauss style weapon,there is a flash due to the fact that the projectile is literally lighting and burning the air as it moves.


*EDIT* To make a gauss weapon sub sonic,you would have to turn the power way way down.


3)Incendiary ammunition usually uses phosphorus as the ignition source. So it would be like a penetrator round,punching a hole into the armor then splitting like a hollow point to let the phosphorus out as its extremely reactive. However,Lithium could be used in that situation as well.

Edited by Azrael120782
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The laser query was for a laser pistol designed for long range sharpshooting, so.. assuming access to nanotechnology of some kind, would a solid state laser pistol small enough to be easily concealed be effective at long range (in good weather)or are lasers affected by the length of the beam (precision? due to more focusing lenses or something?) or can a long-range laser weapon be small enough for a holdout pistol?

Also, my idea was to use the varying ammo capability of NV to use different rounds (the gauss coils would theoretically allow projectiles of any size up to a certain limit to be used) i.e. a heavy high strength armor-piercing round, incendiary-melty-alloy type (lithium, as you suggested) and so on, with different effects: the incendiary would be good against softer targets and for dealing small AoE fire damage due to the molten metal splashing around, but weak against heavy targets- molten lithium isn't likely to be too hard compared to ceramic/titanium/material-of-choice for heavy armor.

Naturally, the ammo would be changed from MF cells... I figure a rifle's battery would last longer than a magazine clip, anyway.

EDIT: didn't notice the above post.

I want the player to gather Power Cores (new quest items) by salvaging MF cells for their fuel. there are several (eight for the bunker, three for the hangar, one for the mainframe) power substations in various states of disrepair; some require only a single power core, while others also need to be repaired using new crafting items that I'm adding (laser diodes, superconducting filaments, optical sensors, etc) which are found in three locations. The Enclave and BoS bunkers can sell them, and will have them lying around, and of course my bunker will have a lot scattered in closets and such.

So, it isn't just flicking a switch.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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To do long range,you would want a particle accelerator beam,something that takes an electron/proton/neutron or even an entire atom,magnetically accelerate it to near the speed of light and launch it. it would be as fast and accurate as a laser but punch right through anything. Think of it as a hand held LHC.a laser would dissipate at long ranges,and enviroment would play havoc on a laser based weapon.Particle beam>plasma>laser.


A particle beam shot would be like me throwing a pickup into your face compared to the lasers lunchbox prius landing on your foot


a small laser pistol? I dunno,laser weapons due to their inherent complexity wont be small. vanillas pistol is pretty bulky.


I think the gauss rifle would need 2 types of ammo,both an MF cell with 5mm round.the biggest issue with gauss and particle beam weaponry is it will decay rapidly. the rails in both will degrade due to the friction.


Or make the gauss rifle take like 5mm ammo but has a recharge delay.

*EDIT*smaller=better on a gauss weapon.less of a power draw and wear on the rails and coils.

Edited by Azrael120782
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So, a particle beam is the way to go. One thing- I heard that plasma is unpractical for a weapon...

Anyway, would a particle beam be visible, or emit any sounds or other very unstealthy (i.e. big explosions) things? How does one defend against a particle beam, anyway? (I'm assuming LHC stands for laser hand cannon or light hand cannon, am I right or wrong?)

As for the Gauss, I figured that it would make a perfect substitute for the Infiltrator- silent, medium range, scoped automatic rifle. The rate of fire should be much higher, due to the lack of cartridges, and the bullets are relatively smaller- it could work out to be a net gain if you used small bullet nibs, but you'd definitely want to slow down for heavier ammo... mayber two versions? An automatic gauss rifle with incendiary and midget rounds, or a longer range, scoped semiautomatic sniper rifle with additional Armor Piercing ammo.

I just thought of soemthing else- what about grenades or even exotic projectiles (ion? gamma? plasma?) projectiles. A gauss Missile launcher (Mass Driver?) or even a gauss grenade launcher. Maybe I could make this another option for the rifles- the scoped version being heavier (ie. long range explosive power, like the mass driver only smaller) with the automatic rifle spitting a stream of mini explosives for close up work.

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Theres no real defense against that kind of attack because its on the atomic level

Issue with plasma weapons is heat dissipation and containment.

Gamma is like X rays itd turn you into a flashbulb and turn you into carbon

a pbw would be near silent,unless you were using a super dense atom,might cause insta gib kills.

a mass driver is like a SMAC gun from halo,a rail gun on more roids than a baseball player.an auto gauss would need a capacitor that can charge and discharge wicked fast.A gauss uses impact to cause damage,so theres no real explosives in the round

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