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I meant that the rifle could be used to launch explosives at slower speeds... but now that I think about it, it wouldn't be worth the effort.

On a side note, what about antimatter? It could be used as a weapon... but what about a particle shield? If you can contain it in some sort of magnetic field, wouldn't it destroy any matter that tried to pass through it, including a particle beam? It would probably be more effective in space, but what about the plasma field thing NASA is looking into? I vaguley recall something about it containing atmospheres... as for lasers, how would one defend against one (aside from something reflective)- could it be possible to scatter some sort of dust layer that would dissipate the beam? I'm assuming a society capable of containing antimatter would be more than capable of holding a cloud of dust particles together...

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It would probbably go something like this then...


Oh, before you do this, disable any objects you want disabled, and make an xmarker with a unique ID their enable parent, and disable the xmarker,


Scn ActivateGeneratorOne ;You can use your own name

Begin OnActivate
If Player.GetItemCount PowerCore >= 1 ;Change this number to however many items are required
	If Player.GetItemCount otherobjectid >= 1 ;You can add as many of these as you like, just be sure to change the item ids to what you use, and add "endif" for every "if" at the end
If Player.Getitemcount PowerCore == 0 or player.getitemcound Otherobjectid == 0 ;Make sure you add all of your references to this line
	showmessage "YourMessageID"


Im fairly new to scripting though, so you might want to test it before committing to it.

Edited by TehBuddha
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I meant that the rifle could be used to launch explosives at slower speeds... but now that I think about it, it wouldn't be worth the effort.

On a side note, what about antimatter? It could be used as a weapon... but what about a particle shield? If you can contain it in some sort of magnetic field, wouldn't it destroy any matter that tried to pass through it, including a particle beam? It would probably be more effective in space, but what about the plasma field thing NASA is looking into? I vaguley recall something about it containing atmospheres... as for lasers, how would one defend against one (aside from something reflective)- could it be possible to scatter some sort of dust layer that would dissipate the beam? I'm assuming a society capable of containing antimatter would be more than capable of holding a cloud of dust particles together...



Problem for antimatter is same for plasma,containment,a spoon sized ball of antimatter is both strong enough to put the shuttle into orbit or take out a good sized chunk of a city.


Particle beams/lasers/plasma would all be most effficive in a vacume because theres no stuff in the air to distort the beams

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I'm talking theoretically here... after all, Fallout physics aren't exactly RL. So, theoretically, IF one could contain antimatter in a "bubble" around the object that needs protecting and continue to maintain it by producing new antimatter whenever old particles are destroyed (and/or somehow keep the atmosphere from touching it) AND the device was practical for warfare, i.e. not insanely expensive, large, or unreliable, then could a particle beam be stopped by it?

As for weapons, yeah, at that power level you wouldn't need much... amybe an antiparticle gun used for disintegration? It would probably be close range- the more matter it goes through, the more power required to keep it from touching the air...If antimatter couldn't be effective as a disintegration gun, what would be effective? I've heard about some sort of "strong force" that holds atoms together.

Two other questions: what would be the practical differences b/w railguns and coilguns, and what would be the difference between EMP and Ion based weapons? I can't figure out what the relationship between the two (relative to weapon effecteveness) would be.

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Odds are a particle beam would just punch through any armor,burning anything behind it,then destroying it,not quite a god weapon,but an excellent anti armor weapon.Or anti everything weapon.


Benefit of a PBW is it punches through anything so I would assume a total disinigration is possible.


An idea is an antimatter powered energy weapon

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