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SO , Hello all and I would like to make a question to the community .


I am planning another spin off from Issgard wich will regard the Dragons .


I would lik eot collect desires and ideas for this mod wich should be a kind of low impact Dragon overhaul .


this will also be implemented in Issgard ( my main DLC mod work in progress )


My main objective is to characterize more the Dragons in Issgard and add new ones ( at least one if time is short ) , classify them and give them a kinda of natural cycle .

Eventually even define how they reproduce and possible eggs .


The main ideas is :


1 make them stronger ( but not exagerated adding spells etc neither too much more damage dealing , but higher resistant )

2 make all different kind of loots from them , from horns ivory , to claws and internal parts to be possibly reused for different magical scopes.

3 add new kind of Dragons according to zone of habitat

4 make them much more rare , and not annoying as the Morrowind cliffracers

5 add the book of Dragons ( the Draconomicon with detailed info and drawins for each specie ) , it will be a quest of Issgard to find or to actually complete this book .

6 Add Dragon Ivory weapons and armor .



If there is already a mod like that , please tell me wich ones they are and what you like or not like of those .

I will still make my personal editing to Dragons anyway according to "my tastes" for Issgard and probably result in incompatibility between those mods and mine .


Also please post any info or anything known on Dragons of Elder scrolls according to lore that I should know and not mess up .


thanks for anyone interested .

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I don't believe Dragons actually do reproduce, or have eggs. They simply are. I am by no means an expert on the subject and my only source of information is from the shoddycast lore series:

Hope you'll look into the matter before you implement it into Issgard, although there is nothing wrong in my opinion to diverging slightly from the lore in order to make interesting mods :)
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well prometheus, i found this mod here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16474/?, it add unique loot to dragons like flesh, teeth, leather and blood, it add some new crafting recipes aswell, this mod is an addon to the deadly dragons mod, i dont know if that is what you are looking for but its all i could find, hope it helps.

Edited by reyzark
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