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Offical Mods?!!


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When I try to do some additions to Frostcrag Spire I go to the cell and almost nothing is there! Is there some problem with my game or has this happened to others? I cannot access any thing for any of the official mods. I've tried every one. For Vile Lair it says it can't load because the CS isn't the right version or some crap. Has this happened to others?



P.S. I know that the Vile Lair stuff has been covered but I've searched the forum and the other mod problems aren't reported.

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I'm fairly certain they don't allow you to edit official mods, and that happens with everyone. Just because, you know, they're so perfect you couldn't possibly need to modify them, right? Just because you paid for them doesn't mean you should be able to do with them as you please. ;)
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I suspect that the CS may check the $DLClist file and cause any attempt to load a file listed in it to fail loading. While it might be a bad idea to REMOVE a DLC listing from it, ADDING a normal plugin to test this shouldn't mess anything up. It might, though, so don't blame me.


EDIT: Oops, meant to replace $DLClist with the name of the relevant file. Just search for Plugins.txt, it's in the same folder.

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  Switch said:
I'm fairly certain they don't allow you to edit official mods, and that happens with everyone. Just because, you know, they're so perfect you couldn't possibly need to modify them, right? Just because you paid for them doesn't mean you should be able to do with them as you please. ;)

There are tricks unknown to most of men, who allows you to modify them...

(But I would prolly' get sued if I told you 'ere. ;))

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Guest Tessera

I have a different problem with the "official" mods...


I'm beginning to view them as being just another way for the industry to nickel-and-dime us all to death. Three bucks here, another 3 bucks there... over time, we'll end up spending more on these little mods than we would on a full-blown expansion pack.


So... I'd rather just have an expansion pack. The game needs one, for sure. In the meantime, the player-made mods are totally free and in many cases, superior to the some of the stuff that I'm seeing from Bethesda.

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I don't think you can beat the official mods. Because you know that they are 100% Lore accurate, 100% clean and 100% well made. Plus, if you think that you shouldn't be paying for them, you can accuire them in, other ways.
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You, sir, are a complete and utter tool. Just because Bethsoft deletes all of the threads on the official forums that put the DRMed plugins in a negative light doesn't mean that they are as absolutely perfect and flawless as you say.


you can accuire them in, other ways

Strike 1 for piracy.


Strike 2 for being a Bethsoft shill.

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the guys on uesp.net - quests - official quests (sry if it is not allowed to add other pages here) have the solution and all you need is a hexeditor (its easy... really)... then youre able to edit these files as well as play them without patching your oblivion...


since there is no appropriate patch yet for every version of oblivion and the patch itselfs produces new bugs you should be legally able/allowed to edit these files so you can play them without destroying your game. :ph34r:

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Guest Tessera
  Sypron said:
I don't think you can beat the official mods.


Sure you can, if you take the time and effort. See, Bethesda wants to make money. The players, on the other hand, want to simply play a game that includes intensely immersive content. That fundamental difference in motivation (and restrictions) is what drives a player to spend weeks creating a complex Oblivion mod... one that they know they'll never be paid a dime for. If done correctly, this could (potentially) lead to superior results from those coming out of the actual game studio. I guess I'm saying that the modding community can afford to be idealistic and do it a certain way, where as Bethesda needs to strike a balance between their development costs and profit margins.


Because you know that they are 100% Lore accurate, 100% clean and 100% well made.


This is why I said "some of the player made mods are better" as opposed to saying "all of them are better." I'm a stickler for lore, just as you are. If a given mod strays too far outside of bounds, I tend to shun it.


Plus, if you think that you shouldn't be paying for them, you can accuire them in, other ways.


Heh... I hear you, but software piracy is not a good idea. :P

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