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NPCs need to shut up


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NPCs talk way too much. When the player character walks by an NPC or vice versa, the NPC has something to say to the PC almost every single time. Another example is if one is making potions in Arcadia's shop. She will fire off one of a few lines and repeat them over and over again, with only a few seconds in between. A It is extremely unrealistic and immersion breaking, and I'm close to just setting the voice volume to zero and turning on subtitles.


It would be great to have a mod that checks when an NPC is about to make a comment, and then set the chance of that NPC going through with making the comment between 1 and 5%, 1% being ideal IMO.

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Have a look at the mods list. There are several that do similar sorts of things to this.


This one for example: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/746/?


You almost have to run into NPC's before they acknowledge you.


Alternatively, try mixing potions on Farengar's Alchemy table. Cause he roams the castle a bit he's often not in the room where the table is.

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