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General censorship of criticism.


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They just did actually. I got a 20 line rant about how perhaps the mod was too good for me and, I quote, "I didn't like what you said so I reported you". Guess that isn't getting resolved then.

Can you please provide my exact quote or capture a screenshot of my reply in your PM? I deleted conversation so I can't do it.

Edited by tomm434
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Shame I have to step up in this thread.

That was the "review":

Right. I just spent about three or four hours with this mod , I'm most of the way through (What I think is) the last mission (No spoilers until later) But I have a few things to say. I'll make a followup post if anything is revealed after the point I'm at.

Lets start with the character herself shall we. Lunette (Or Luna as I will be calling her from this point on, just to save time) was a strange one. The first thing I noticed was that dealing with a silent companion was... Different to say the least. I won't say that it destroyed the mod or her character but it definitely made the took away from the whole experience. I know that finding voice actors is hard and recording that many lines is gruelling work and I also know that you're working on correcting that issues so I won't go on about it. Luna in her default state looks good (I'm sticking with default, Neon hair isn't for me) Has good dialogue and overall has a solid feeling.

Lets quickly talk about her pacifism. This kinda irked me at first but in the end I didn't mind too much. My team had enough fire-power to make up for her. One of the things that felt strange was how occasionally she ended up crying for blood but she never took up a weapon. Especially near the end, when its all hands on deck but she refuses to use a real gun.

The writing itself was good in most cases, Luna had some good lines that made her feel more human and I even found myself liking her after a while. My main issue with her character is how she occasionally has A "I'm better than you" feeling to her. She randomly complains about me gunning down a group of bloodthirsty convicts out for my blood, saying "I hope that was necessary" like I didn't just take half a dozen 5.56 rounds to the face. I understand having a pacifist character but she random rubs it in your face. Maybe keep the lines for when you open up on a non-hostile target, not crazed crowds of convicts with a deathwish. A lot of the feeling of superiority came from the responces you were allowed. Most only gave you a choice between "You're awesome" or "I'm a dick". I was either told to like her or be a total arsehole and I don't like that. There were also some other issues with general tone but I'll get to that after the spoiler-ish bit

Lets just take a quick aside from the character and talk about some things that bugged me. More specificity, her leveling system. It's not the system I don't like, I love the way it lets the player get involved in her development. My issue with it is how much it took me out of the game. When I play new vegas I get immersed, all the Game-Ish things fade into the background, but when a character suddenly shouts (Silently) "I LEVELED UP!" it kinda kicks my immersion in the face. Just having the menu pop up and ask you to dump some points in places is easy to ignore, I just Bloop-Bloop through it, Imagine how my character would actually get better at it and keep going. Having an in universe character comment on it is different. Again, I love the system, I just think it could be packaged better. Perhaps have her say that she feels confident to learn some new things and asks for direction in what to look in to. That keeps the system as is but keeps it in universe from a dialogue standpoint.
--------------SPOILERS AHEAD--------------------------
From this point on things are going to get a bit spoiler-ish so feel free to skip this bit if you don't want to get spoiled.

Let's talk about Grimmer. Grimmer started of feeling like a charismatic villain, someone who has some charms despite his evil persona. This went away almost immediately. Grimmer turned into a card carrying villain. He had no motivation for what he was doing. He was evil for evils sake and that isn't good writing. Grimmer spent all his time gloating and none of it explaining why. He wanted you and Luna dead but we never knew why. All we were told is that he wanted the GECK and he wanted Luna dead. He needs depth, A reason for his struggles, A base for his hatred towards Luna (He either calls her "Shorty" or "*censored*" so I assume he dislikes her) and a reason to go to such lengths. Even if I have wrote this prematurely and everything is explained, there still needs to be some hints towards it.

Done with Grimmer for now (Until I talk about the boss fight, looking forward to that...). Lets talk about the Beast. He was another strange one. He kinda showed up once, Hit you in the face and then stopped mattering until the big reveal. He was never mentioned. Strange since he was the first clue, with Luna's Creepy eyes in the night being the first hint towards the larger story.

The reveal was marred by the inconsistent writing I mentioned earlier. The serious atmosphere was killed entirely by the "He's my farther" line. Especially with the dramatic pause, it just feels clichéd. When I first heard it I thought it was just a Star Wars joke, especially because the last conversation ended with a Breaking Bad joke. An important part of keeping tension is building and maintaining the atmosphere, dropping jokes and references minutes before a massive drama moment is one hell of a mood killer. The same goes for some of Luna's lines after you revive her. The moody teen act feels out of place in such a situation.

The boss fight is the next major topic. It was... Average at best and Poor at worst. The initiation stage was a almost constant stunlock with random instant death thrown into the mix. I'm not sure if it was my bundle of mods that made the fight so annoying or if it was by design but it just felt inconsistent and annoying. It was too close to dodge with any certainty and the fire rate was all over the place. Once second he was firing one shot every so often and then randomly he would slam off six or seven shots rapid fire, almost always catching me through shear weight of fire. He was a damage sponge, taking about 230 5.56 rounds to finally put down.

After that we got back to the drama, With Luna bleeding out on a table. I love it when a major character gets mortally wounded. It puts a sense of mortality onto a normally immortal character.I feel like the immediate annihilation of the local area is enough of a motivator. This may just be me though, and I can't complain about a character being put in actual peril.

Second stage fight now begins, and strangely enough it's almost exactly the same as the first, except backwards. Grimmer gets stunlocked in the corner by constant Rejecter and missile fire and I leisurely tap him in the face with a couple dozen 12 gage rounds (Also Luna gets pegged in the back with a missile but I guess she got an immunity to explosions after the first one). He dies after some friendly fire (Damn nightkin, Can't shoot straight...) and we make our escape (With some star trek shake on the heli ride out).

I need to wrap this up now, I've ran out of things to say. This mod is one hell of a ride, from beginning to (Maybe...?) End. Luna is a good character with some nice features. My main issues stand with writing issues and little else. Thanks for providing this mod and good luck in the future.

First and the reason why I write this post and not just ignore this thread - I didn't say "I didn't like what you said" so SirRage is obviously lying.

Second{reason for deleting}, this "Review" wasn't nice and it wasn't even a review - it consisted of "What I didn't like in the mod". And I replied politely while gritting my teeth (the answer is still there). But then followed another reply to another user which continued this topic and I've lost my patience.

There is a difference in critisicm and simply stating "What I don't like in your mod". I didn't spent >1500 hours making Lunette just to see some random guy like you write things like that.
When you want mod to improve you write things in a different tone and don't call some parts of the mod "Poor", "Cliche" and other adjective you used so your point was to show off (look at me - I can write! I can criticize!) rather than make a good review.

So in overall - yes - I don't want to see your complaints of how Lunette is bad.

So there you are, playing white mouse and whining "Oh how unfairly I got banned". Good luck with that.

You can criticize me for the reason I banned but I won't allow discrediting my name using lies so would you kindly provide my full reply to your PM - I give permission to publish it here.

I want people to see what a big liar you are first =). If you don't do it by yourself I will ask moderators to do it - they once said they have access to PMs if one of the participants wanted it.

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I don't know. Truth be told, I don't think that's a bad review at all. A bad review is something like this. Saying OP is a "random dude" just comes off as childish and petty. The review you got is obviously clear, detailed and has both pros and cons. But hey, your mod page, your rules :thumbsup:

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I don't know. Truth be told, I don't think that's a bad review at all. A bad review is something like this. Saying OP is a "random dude" just comes off as childish and petty. The review you got is obviously clear, detailed and has both pros and cons. But hey, your mod page, your rules :thumbsup:

The fact that it is detailed and consists of pros and cons doesn't make it a review and doesn't hide the fact that's it's a list of things Lunette sucks at written in a bad manner.

This person is a random dude for me - I don't know him and didn't ask for his complaints on whole 2 pages of sheet and I don't want to know him either after he tried to present me as a bad guy here. (so he looks more like a good guy thus making easier to prove his point).

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(This escalated... Quickly. This is going to be my last post today, it's late and I have college tomorrow)


Funny you should mention discrediting your name. Because I never said it... Anywhere. I never once mentioned your name or the name of the mod and only one person actually seemed to know who I was talking about.


Anyway. Accepting that what you made isn't perfect is hard. I know that. No hint of sarcasm. I used to be a writer, A poor one at that, And I know that when someone comes to something you poured time and effort into and criticises it, I know that that hurts. I know that you want to pretend that They're wrong, They're trolling or They're just bad people. I know because I did too. I know that when you read the comments all the good things melt away and all you can see are the bad, I've been there. What is important is to remember that if you want to improve then you need to take what is said onboard, you need to learn that, no matter how much you wish you are, you're not infallible. Until I leaned that I couldn't even open the review section because when I did I only felt two things. The sinking feeling of failure and the anger that comes from these people talking about how bad everything I did was. But in the end I learned. I started looking at the criticism in a balanced light. I saw the positive and reminded myself that I was improving and I saw the negative and reminded myself that I could fix it and keep getting better.


I think I've talked enough today. I hope you remember what I said and I hope you become better because of it.


That's all from me folks



Edited by SirRage
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Tomm, if that's what you consider "not a review at all" and "not nice", you're in for nothing but disappointment and frustration. If I made something on the scale of Lunette, and saw a review like that, y'know what i'd do? I'd take the time to go through and address every little thing the guy brought up, no matter what I thought about why/how he said it, because there's a 50/50 chance he's right. Honestly, expecting anything other than the sort of criticism SR gave you makes you, IMHO, a complete f*#@in' retard. I deal with guys like you on a daily basis on another (non-Nexus) game forum,



And by the way, you haven't done much to "defend" yourself - only one other person even knew what the f*#@ this thread was about until you rolled in, and given your actions so far you deserve whatever anger is directed at you.

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Funny you should mention discrediting your name. Because I never said it... Anywhere. I never once mentioned your name or the name of the mod and only one person actually seemed to know who I was talking about.

Funny that you don't even try to justify yourself =). Anyway Jokerine for instance saw that post so she knew who were you talking about so other people may know it too and it's frustrating that someone lies about you, you know.


Anyway. Accepting that what you made isn't perfect is hard

You say you go to college? Do you learn philosophy there? Because even 1st course student knows that there are no perfect things in life. In my opinion something in perfect, in yours - it's not.

I don't care what complaints people say about Lunette - I made her for myself, followed by my wishes and principles.She's perfect as she is for me . I knew some (most?) people wouldn't like her because of restrictions I placed on her, that they wouldn't like last boss battle because it's too difficult for them, who used to play >50 lvl character who could kill Lanius in a single hit. (first that's been said by my friend who beta tested Lunette). And I'm happy there are people who love her as she is - mischievous, sensitive and teenish. And her silly cliche story too. She may not become file of the month and it's okay with me as long as I know there are people who love her.


You have different opinion on Lunette that me and I'm totally okay with that but it matters where and how you describe it and now you're trying to present it as if I didn't like that not everyone is fond of her but that's far from true, I'm not 11 years old to behave that way. Would you rewrite your novel if some critics said it was wrong? I doubt so. And the way you write - this text would be more suitable for yellow press, not for your "constructive criticism can be to the growth and improvement of the product and the author" which you stated in this thread.

So when I don't want to read your "review" I have the only right to delete it so I don't see it everyday when I go and check Lunette's page. So well, post it on youtube where everyone who will find it looking for "Lunette fallout" will see it or on your own website but not in my thread.

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And by the way, you haven't done much to "defend" yourself - only one other person even knew what the f*** this thread was about until you rolled in, and given your actions so far you deserve whatever anger is directed at you.

I don't believe I deserve that anger. I did nothing wrong.

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(This escalated... Quickly. This is going to be my last post today, it's late and I have college tomorrow)


Funny you should mention discrediting your name. Because I never said it... Anywhere. I never once mentioned your name or the name of the mod and only one person actually seemed to know who I was talking about.


Anyway. Accepting that what you made isn't perfect is hard. I know that. No hint of sarcasm. I used to be a writer, A poor one at that, And I know that when someone comes to something you poured time and effort into and criticises it, I know that that hurts. I know that you want to pretend that They're wrong, They're trolling or They're just bad people. I know because I did too. I know that when you read the comments all the good things melt away and all you can see are the bad, I've been there. What is important is to remember that if you want to improve then you need to take what is said onboard, you need to learn that, no matter how much you wish you are, you're not infallible. Until I leaned that I couldn't even open the review section because when I did I only felt two things. The sinking feeling of failure and the anger that comes from these people talking about how bad everything I did was. But in the end I learned. I started looking at the criticism in a balanced light. I saw the positive and reminded myself that I was improving and I saw the negative and reminded myself that I could fix it and keep getting better.


I think I've talked enough today. I hope you remember what I said and I hope you become better because of it.


That's all from me folks




If his "review" was anything like his douchebag reply I quoted, he deserves only your contempt.

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Ok now I think this thread crossed the line where things might get offensive. I don't need public excuse or anything and I don't want this discussion getting out of hand.

I did what I think was right, SirRage did his part, no blood spilled in result, everyone's fine, lesson's learned by both sides and else.


Peace.Friendship.Love. (as they say in Russia).


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