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Turret Placement Problems


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I have run into a problem with turret placement in the GECK and I can't figure what is causing it.

There are 4 turrets being used, all ceiling variants, all with the same problem.

I line the turret up with the ceiling in GECK. Save and launch game.

In game the turrets appear hovering a large distance below thier intended position.

There are two variants of turrets being used, both are duplicates with original IDs. One type hangs about a foot lower (in relative in-game terms). The second type hangs so low it is practically on the floor.

Any height adjustment in GECK results in a drop to what appears to be the same position every time in-game.

There appears to be a box with a position marker hovering below the turret (a multi-coloured box with a gold star in the middle). I have tried aligning this with the ceiling. In this case the turret unit is moved above the ceiling and functions in that manner in game, i.e, is not visible normally but can be seen hovering above the building using tcl.

I can find no solutions to this online and no referece to a similar problem anywhere.

Any ideas where I am going wrong?

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I just found the answer to this, about two minutes after posting and after searching for the last two hours. Not sure why it didn't come up before. For future reference they need something directly below to take the weight like a standard NPC or creature or else they will just drop.
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OK, scratch that last post, - I thought I had it using advice from another post but i'm still having serious problems just trying to place ceiling turrets.

For reference purposes the advice given was:

Check vanilla locations for ceiling turrets and look for collision markers. Thse are used to manage the height of ceiling turrets in NV.

OK, so I did this, the locations with ceiling turrets were HeliosOneTower and Vault34. Neither shows up properly in the GECK. I took a copy of a chunk of Helios One and pasted it into my own interior where luckily it showed up. I finally spotted the tiny collision markers. Already there is something different from the ones in the static list, namely the primitive list which allows for adjustment of height. This meant I had to take a copy of the existing Collision Markers to get these options (which govern axis placement). Not a big deal in retrospect but set me back an hour or two in real-time.

Eventually I managed to get one turret to behave somewhat properly. Placement was good and it was tracking but *not* attacking. This took a combination of two collision markers and disabling the turrets (previously dormant) 'immobile' option It took ages to get one to function just this well and, as I wanted four turrets I took a copy of this working turret with its collision marker using ctrl-c and pasted them in again so it should hang the same. No luck. This one just drops like theres nothing there.

I think I can fix the placement with trial and error but why are they not attacking? Also if there is a better way to do this please tell me. Iv'e already wasted a day on it.

I don't want to start another post about *why* this has happened. It's so annoying I can't describe, especially as a change from FO3 turret placement but speculation won't fix the problems.

Thanks in adavnce for any help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've figured it out. You need to create either a Collision Box or a Collision Plane to keep the turret suspended. The buttons for these tools are located at the top of GECK (at the end, "C" with a box around it and "C" within a cube mesh). You can use a collision box if there's not going to be any foot traffic going under where turret will be placed. A plane can be used to keep it suspended, while still allowing the player to travel underneath it.


Here's an image of my Collision Plane in use in GECK:




If you have any other questions about this, feel free to ask.


- Quadratomic

Edited by Quadratomic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for that Quadratomic, kudos to you. I thought this thread had died and I'd given up with the turrets. I may try again at some point with your advice. I do seem to remember using collision planes but they didn't end up looking much like yours.

Thanks for the advice & image which helped to clear things up.

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