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Enchanting Illegal???


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I have gotten to level 49 as a Nord Knight. I like the brute force approach, so I normally use very little magic. [besides, magic usually requires reading the manual to find out how and I hate manuals]


One thing that has intrigued me is soul capturing. I have about 25 grand soul gems full of golden saints and whatever all the others are [other assorted gems of lesser quality]. So, I finally decided to true to enchant something. I have an enchanting skill of 64, so that didn't seem too bad. I tried to enchant my glass greaves to provide swift swim. I read the manual to find out what to do with all those fields in the screen. I named it Glass Greaves of the Fish. I selected it under the item field. I used my Golden Saint soul gem. I selected the magic effect of swift swim. I set the range to constant effect. I checked the points used and things looked ok.


It failed. I guessed that I simply was not a good enough enchanter, or I just got unlucky with the games random number generator.


So, I went over to the Balmora Mages Guild. Went up to the upper level mage [you know the one, she lost the contest with the *kittie kittie* cat]. She sells enchantments and according to the manual, buying enchantments always works. So I did the same thing that I did on my own and expected success. Actually, I never even checked to see if the greaves actually were enchanted, because I was immediately attacked by everyone in the Mages Guild except the enchanter. I killed them off out of frustration [i just lost it I guess!]. Then I reloaded to a previous save game and decided to ask you folks what is going on here.


So, what is going on here????


If it has any bearing, I have just achieved Hortator in the Redoran house. I know that I have made a few enemies with that, but it cannot impact my relationship with the Mage's Guild (can it?). They seemed so glad to see me.

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Not sure why you where attacked unless you tried to use or sell something you stole of someone in the mages guild.


Yes the enchanting should have worked, I eprsonally just use an enchanter as it is less hassle than buffing yourself enough to suceed and cash is not a problem.

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I suspect Pob has the answer.


When you put the fake soul gem in Galbedir's desk early on in the Mages Guild quests, did you by any chance take soul gems from off her desk? If you did, they will see any soul gem you try to offer them as hers, even if it was a different one completely. I hit the same problem when I tried to sell a diamond to Nalcara of the White Haven that I had found in a dwemer ruin. Because I had stolen one from her to give to Sugar-Lips thingy much earlier in the game I was arrested and deprived of everything I had acquired by dubious means (leaving me naked!).

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If you take the grand soul gem Winged Twilight (at the upper level mage in Balmora [you know the one, she lost the contest with the *kittie kittie* cat]) nobody in Vvardenfell will ever do a service for you. Hope you didnt chose this one as a spare gem. :]
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