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Making an object static, via the GECK?

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As you may know, collision is controlled in the NIF file itself. The objects "WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleStatic", "WeapNVHuntingShotgunStatic", "WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic", and "WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic" are static in-game, but their collision in NIFskope isn't, so my question is, how do you make an object static in the GECK?


Thanks for reading, hopefully someone knows ^-^

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The easiest way I can think of if you don't want to unzip your BSAs (I wouldn't). Would be to go into the weapon in the Geck, highlight the Nif path , CTRL-C to copy it, then paste to notepad.

Create a new static object MYStaticWeapon, for example and leave the model blank. Save and exit Geck. Open the plugin with FNVEdit, find the item on the left and highlight it. On the right you will see a Model field that is greyed out. Select the empty box to the right of it , right-click, then 'add'. Copy the saved NIF path from notepad. Select the the blank area to the right of 'Model Filename', press F2, then CTRL-V (paste). Exit, then save.

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The easiest way I can think of if you don't want to unzip your BSAs (I wouldn't). Would be to go into the weapon in the Geck, highlight the Nif path , CTRL-C to copy it, then paste to notepad.

Create a new static object MYStaticWeapon, for example and leave the model blank. Save and exit Geck. Open the plugin with FNVEdit, find the item on the left and highlight it. On the right you will see a Model field that is greyed out. Select the empty box to the right of it , right-click, then 'add'. Copy the saved NIF path from notepad. Select the the blank area to the right of 'Model Filename', press F2, then CTRL-V (paste). Exit, then save.


Thanks for replying :biggrin:


It works perfectly, thank you so much :) Kudos to you sir.

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Sorry for bumping again but it turns out that method isn't working correctly. I'm trying to make an activator, that is a static light machine gun, but your method doesn't seem to work, it isn't static in-game.


Is there any other methods into making an object static without having to edit the NIF file itself?



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Sorry for bumping again but it turns out that method isn't working correctly. I'm trying to make an activator, that is a static light machine gun, but your method doesn't seem to work, it isn't static in-game.


Is there any other methods into making an object static without having to edit the NIF file itself?




Well, a static and an activator are two different types of objects in the Geck. A static isn't movable or activatable in-game. As far as what is different in the NIF files, I don't know. When you said you wanted to turn a weapon into a static, I took that to mean you wanted to make it into a lump that you could hang on a wall or something.


A weapon is already activatable. When you are picking it up, you are 'activating' it. If you go into console mode, click on the weapon, then type 'activate player', you pick it up. Maybe there is something you can do with an ONActivate block in a script on the weapon. Depends on what you are trying to do.


Edit - I was able to make an activator with the AntiMaterial rifle NIF. Of course, once you do that, it doesn't do anything unless you put a script on it. Just to test, I did this:



scn RHKMaterialScript

BEGIN ONActivate

ShowMessage RHKActivatorTest


So is the weapon you are having problems with a vanilla one, or in some mod?




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Basically, I want an activator, and it's model to be the light machine gun, but it's havok to be static. I'm sorry for the confusion :biggrin:


Basically, I was wondering if there was a way to make the activators havok static, meaning it can't move.


Bethesda have somehow managed to make the "WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic" static object actually static, despite it's havok in NIFSkope not being static. It's the same NIFFile used for the actual Light Machine Gun weapon.


It's quite confusing, but hopefully there is a solution.

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As rickerhk has explained, if you create an activator object and reuse the nif of the machine gun, it will not be movable regardless of what is in the nif. This is similar to what Bethsoft did to create WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic; they used the same nif, but the object class is "static", so it can neither move nor be activated.


If you have created an activator object which can still move by havok in game, please upload the esp and show us. Perhaps there is something we have overlooked in your problem description.

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