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Elsweyr Anequina, bad textures/meshes?


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You haven't properly and/or fully installed the mod. At the time the download page is currently down so if you didn't download all the necessary files then you're out of luck until the author unlocks the page again. However if you did download all of the necessary files and still have the issue you need to properly install the mod according to the ReadMe provided. Below is some information to assist you with missing textures and much, much more.


Missing Textures |

Scroll down to the Pink or Missing Textures Section.


You likely need Archive Invalidation.


TESIV:POSItive -- Excellent resource site loaded with information for the beginner to advanced user.

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1. The said mod uses BSA file, so unless you did some mistake during installation, there's no way to miss any resources needed.

2. If you're using any body replacer, you'll need to get body textures for the replacer of choice.

3. Archive Invalidation.

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