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Jackie Chan Adventures Talismans


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I have asked for this before, but many months ago, so I figure I'm safe to ask again.

I was wondering if someone could make a mod that adds some necklaces to Skyrim with enchantments, based off of the Talismans from the early 00's cartoon, Jackie Chan adventures.

Rat Talisman: Summon a random Atronach (can only have one at a time)
Ox Talisman: Fortify Carry Weight by 100 and unarmed by 100
Tiger Talisman: Gives the power to summon a copy of the player. The catch is, it is completely hostile, meaning it will target anyone nearby, even the player.
Rabbit Talisman: Increase the players movement speed by 2x.
Dragon Talisman: Reduce time between shouts by 80% and increase the strength of Fire and Frost breath.
Snake Talisman: Togglable invisibility and Muffle.
Horse Talisman: Increase Health Regen by 200%
Sheep Talisman: Toggle the effects of the Etheral Shout
Monkey Talisman: Allow the player to turn targets into animals.
Rooster Talisman: Flight (If possible), nullify fall damage, and free Telekinesis.
Dog Talisman: User cannot die except by OHKO such as a dragon swallowing you.
Pig Talisman: Toggle Detect Life, Toggle Night Vision, and laser vision (if possible)

I understand that some of these enchantments, such as flight and laser vision, may be difficult to implement, so I will be grateful to get what I can. I should stress that the abilities of the Talismans are free (No Magicka/Stamina cost) but can only be used so long as you wear the Talisman, which is why you can only wear one at a time to stop being too OP (Even though they are pretty OP on their own).

Thank you for taking the time to read my request.

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