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Do you think Morrowind should be redone with Oblivion graphics?


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I think that Oblivion's graphics would indeed help the forests and areas, but I dont know if they will quite do the barren wasteland justice. I also agree that the Havoc engine would be pretty cool, but I really prefer Morrowind just how it is. Really the only thing that needs to be changed is the faces and bodies, and that is where Psycodog Studios has helped us out. Better Bodies and Better Heads: the first two mods I ever download after a fresh Morrowind install.


Same here. Although I rather have 'better heads' which are more similar to the original heads. I like fargoth's original head, the better heads version doesn't look anywhere similar. Same with Divaythe Fyr and a few others.


Oh well, it's still a good mod! But actually I don't mind having the original heads attached to the better body.


What is your (everyone who reads this) opinion on the view distance? Should it be infinitive like with Oblivion and like what's done with MGE, or shouldn't it be? Being able to see far looks nice, but I liked the fog and limited view distance, it made Morrowind look bigger, and less familiar to real life. It's just one of Morrowinds charms... :) I do increase the view distance a little with the Morrowind FPS optimizer though.

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Hell yeah! However, I hope you mean to keep it's current content (perhaps add more items and quests?), but have the graphics Oblivion has. I would be happy. Ever since I was playing Oblivion for a while (I'm going to start back up playing it when I get the BOXED version of Knights of the Nine), I got used to the normal running and walking, and their heads not looking pointy (unless they were a vampire)! Wow, now that was ranting!
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you know it wont be, but not they should not because oblivion graphic are too soft and smooth. it doesnt represent the harsh and raw landscape that morrowind potrays. that is the most special thing about morrowind to me. but it is possible if you retexture everything from the ground up.


if i was a billionaire i'd pay some modders here to do it, but no.

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When you meant 'they', did you mean beth or just some modders? I dont see what it would hurt (except time) to make morrowind with oblivion graphics. But I would rather see a TES V, rather than a remake of an old model. But thats just me 8)
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  • 2 months later...
There are some combat mods for Morrowind already that make some more fun. Take for example Combat Enhanced adds dismemberment, combos, and overall more interactive combat. My opinion on the graphics for Morrowind, i love them. I am a big fan of the older style graphics i dont care much for Oblivion's graphics that much at all in fact.
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  • 3 weeks later...
redoing Morrowing with Oblivion graphics/engine/physics? I'm just playing Morrowind for the 1st time now, I'm about 200 hours (our time) into the game I would imagine and I'd restart right now if it was done. I think it would be a great idea to completely redo everything with Morrowing even combine all the best plugins/additions. You get a vote going and I'm definitely in. poo, even add a few hundred more quests while they're at it.
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