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Star Trek Bridge Commander Support.

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Hi. I hope this is the right section for this.



Since the Nexus Network is so big and prosperous I thought that maybe could host BC mods. As to date, Filefront BC Network is completely dead, with lots of great mods and modders lost. There are a few, very few, finger-counted sites (most of them german) where you can find essential mods like the Kobayashi Maru mod and the Stargate Conversion Pack mod. But in terms of a modding community for that game, inexistant.


The game is really old (2002) but it can handle mods really well (I kept my own modded with up to 2Gb of extra content). But I miss so many ship mods, so many conversion packs. I think this could work. The modding process is similar to games like Fallout or Skyrim (place things in Data folder) so I guess, in my inexperience and innocence, that this should work.



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Nexus is capable of hosting mods for any moddable game, however it's up to modders to upload their content for that game. So there's no right place to request Nexus host a game, you'd be better off asking some of the modders for that game if they wouldn't mind also hosting their content here. Once the first mod is uploaded for the game, their will be a nexus site for it and hopefully more mods will follow.

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