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According to the citizens of Cyrodiil Morrowind is one big hell


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Npc's talk with eachother, and sometimes they talk about the other provinces. There's a lot on Morrowind and it looks like things have changed there. I can remember a few:

  • Ald-ruhn was destroyed by the daedra.
  • Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim was taken over by nords.
  • The Nerevarine went on an expedition to Akavir and hasn't been heard from since.
  • House Dress (sp?) is at war with House ??? (Don't remember which one) and another Great House is in ruins. (Again, I don't remember which one)

But, good things happened as well.

  • Saint Jiub drove the Cliff Racers out of Morrowind ;D

What else have you heard?

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Didn't you hear? The Daedra got Saint Jiub!

I believe it was Redoran that was 'in ruins'.


From what I've read, the destruction of Red Tower's Stone was pivotal in allowing the events of Oblivion to occur. Was Azura blinded by her desire for revenge, or was her part in this intentional?

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From what I've read, the destruction of Red Tower's Stone was pivotal in allowing the events of Oblivion to occur. Was Azura blinded by her desire for revenge, or was her part in this intentional?

Never heard about that. Is it in one of the books?

By the way did I spell House Dress right? Isn't it Dreth?

Didn't you hear? The Daedra got Saint Jiub!

Does that mean that... That the.. that THEY will be b-b-back? o_O

Cliff Racer fly soooooo hiiigh. :mellow:

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I found some stuff on the internet.


'The Telvanni are doing all they can to fight of the Daedra and close the gates.'


The Great Houses are in turmoil. 'House Indoril is in ruins' and 'House Redoran is under seige from Skyrim.'


Indoril in ruins, House Redoran under siege from Skyrim... Why don't these things happen while you are playing? :rolleyes:


Apparently the Morag Tong is legal now too. Wasn't it legal before?

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Apparently the Morag Tong is legal now too. Wasn't it legal before?


I thought it was legal then too. If it was illegal, then why would guards accept writs? Maybe it is legal outside of Morrowind now? I am curious of this as well.

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Ald-ruhn was destroyed by the daedra.


Obviosly... They dont have sand in the realm of Oblivion!


Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim was taken over by nords.


With all that alchool its not a surprise...


The Nerevarine went on an expedition to Akavir and hasn't been heard from since.


"Nerevarine returns to Morrowind.


- Hey guys, wanna see pictures I took! I loved my vacantion!!... Uh what the hell where's my Indoril Manor?"


House Dress (sp?) is at war with House ??? (Don't remember which one) and another Great House is in ruins. (Again, I don't remember which one)


That was bound to happen. I told Dress not to steal house's ??? fork! They didnt listend to me! Look what happend now :glare: .


Saint Jiub drove the Cliff Racers out of Morrowind




But I still think that they migrated south. They will be back, Cliff Racers are always back! *waits for winter to pass*

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But I still think that they migrated south. They will be back, Cliff Racers are always back! *waits for winter to pass*


Hehe. As long as they don't go south west, into Cyrodiil. o_O They would be fun to shoot with the physics though...


Now for non Morrowind related conversations: Khajiit -> Khajiit conversations are quite interesting and rare since I don't see many khajiit together. Probably the same for Argonian->Argonian or Argonian->Khajiit. One thing I heard was a different version of 'I saw a mudcrab yesterday': 'I saw a mudcrab yesterday. Horrible creatures' 'I can't stand those things. I heard the Altmer train them'



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... One thing I heard was a different version of 'I saw a mudcrab yesterday': 'I saw a mudcrab yesterday. Horrible creatures' 'I can't stand those things. I heard the Altmer train them' ...

Strange. that reply is supposed to be for a conversation about goblins, not mud crabs.


My Cassie-the-assassin was trudging through the wilds of eastern Cyrodiil, on general exploration and The Collect quest, when I noticed that she was skirting the eastern border of the province. I could not help but have Cassie look eastward over the crest of the Valus with apprehension, knowing that Morrowind lay immediately beyond the peaks just above her head.

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