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Harith's Sharp Sticks.


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I was thinking that an interesting addition to the world of fallout would be the most basic of weapons. A sharp Stick.


Uncle Roe once commented that Lucky Harith has more weapons than you could shake a sharp stick at, and he probably has that sharp stick too. So it would make sense that the largest quantity of Sharp sticks would be in Lucky Harith's inventory.


Obviously it would be low-damage and low-cost but some people would no doubt love to try to play through an entire game using one.


What do you think?

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That would be great. Hmm... Not certain, really.


I guess one handed would be best because two-handed would be a spear, right?


*Chuckle* and now I can't help but think of there being one 'named' pointy stick that is known as "Better Than", as in "Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick"

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