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[Papyrus Script] Make character permanently stay in ragdoll state; How?


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That's because you are using the paralysis archetype. What you want instead is to fortify the paralysis actor value by 1. This will prevent the target from standing up without making him stiff.


That works exactly as I intended it to work, wow, I had no idea what you were talking about initially, but now that I do, I have to thank you for this!


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That's because you are using the paralysis archetype. What you want instead is to fortify the paralysis actor value by 1. This will prevent the target from standing up without making him stiff.


That works exactly as I intended it to work, wow, I had no idea what you were talking about initially, but now that I do, I have to thank you for this!




Hi There, I am trying to make ragdoll permanent for my actor as well but I have no clue as to how

to use all the info the past replies give in this post, could you please give me step by step instruction.


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