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Let's Play Zombie Apocalypse


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Hello everyone, this is GrimSkellington, and I am running a modded Let's Play of a zombie apocalypse. I am not running the main storyline, but rather have several intended objectives I plan to achieve.


-Travel from Mojave Outpost to Novac to recruit Boone

-Cut across the Mojave interior to Goodsprings to grab supplies from the gas station (My normal hideout)

-Head north to the Gun Runners and New Vegas

-Make my way to Jacobstown (Being high in the mountains and full of super mutants, it would probably be the safest friendly place left)


Starting my journey, I will only be carrying a silenced 10mm pistol and some basic supplies.


I would like the topic to be a discussion of both the series (With recommendations and advice) and also how the Fallout setting would change and the characters adapt to the dead returning to life. Who would live and how would priorities and factions change.







I have several mods running, though they are mostly just to add zombies, one is the DK Bullet Time to give me an edge in battling. The zombies are fast runners, so I need to be able to reliably hit them in the head when needed. I have a list of used mods below with links/descriptions.


Realistic Battle and Dynamic Combat - Reworks the damage for weapons and damage absorbtion by armor



Intrusive Invisible Wall Remover - Removes arbitrary invisible walls



A World of Pain - Remaps part of the world a little and adds several new underground areas



Zombie Apocalypse - Take a wild guess



Zombie Mod - Take another wild guess...



DK Bullet Time - Allows the player to slow time down temporarily at the cost of action points



Realistic Heashots - most creatures die from one shot to the head



Populated Casino - Adds more NPCs to the casinos



Populated Wasteland - Adds more NPCs to the world at large centered around towns and cities


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Ive always like anything that has to do with Zombies. Dont know how i missed the Zombie Apoc mod... Good video about your quest, will keep my eyes open for the next parts.


Just downloaded the Zombie Apoc and DK bullet time mods..thanx for those links. Now to start my own quests in the Zombie infested wastes :biggrin:



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Again, nice vid...i posted on youtube but ill say it here...you should look into the "Sprint Mod" it would help you lots in your quest. just a thought. :biggrin:


3:53 lmfao everytime





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