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Textures not loading!


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Hey all. So I downloaded a pack of retextured glass weapons, (different colors, etc.), and wanted to make a weapon out of some of it. I made sure all the textures and meshes are in the right directories, but for some reason when i add the sword with the glass mesh, the texture won't load. It's all pink, instead, with no texture. Any ideas on how to fix this? It's been bothering me for some time now.
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If the new Glass textures you downloaded overwrite the old ones and it doesn't work you might need to update your ini file. OBMM has a nice little feature to do that for you.
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If the new Glass textures you downloaded overwrite the old ones and it doesn't work you might need to update your ini file. OBMM has a nice little feature to do that for you.


It doesn't overwrite the old one, it's just a pack of meshes/textures for making new weapons. I'm trying to apply the textures and meshes to new weapons im making, not ones already in-game.

Also, the texture is pink in TES Construction Set as well. Any help please? Many other custom textures, etc. I've had work just fine, but for some reason these wont, but everyone in the comment section says they work just fine.

Edited by Brendon123123
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