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Requesting NV Mod Help, Pipboy script crashes to desktop

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So I am trying to convert a mod of mine A Pipboy Replacer http://www.nexusmods...t3/mods/21133/? to New Vegas.

I have got the paths to work and updated certain commands to get the script to save using NVSE Geck to but the script to change out the equipment is crashing the game upon it first being run.

I hear the script activate the equipment swap, I see the equipment get removed, but it crashes before it comes back. I did not write the original script, just updated it to work with my Mod, so I am unsure to the need for the full equipment swaps but ti might have had something to do with F03 scenarios.

So I was hoping someone could look and tell if I am missing something obvious that changed between F03 and NV.

The original code was as follows:

scn BIDEpipRemoverSCRIPT

short Phase

short InitMod
short ModKey
short ModKeyState

short PipKeyState
float PipSpamTimer
ref EquippedItem
ref EquippedCondition

short ModMenuActive
short ModMenuButton
short RemapKeyFlag
short KeyRemapBuffer

float KeyTimer

short UninstallFlag

int NVSEcheck

begin Gamemode
	;Check to ensure NVSE is present before the initial removal occurs.
	;Loops continually until NVSE is found or the mod is uninstalled, in case
	;some unreasonable player decides to save after it doesn't work.
	if (NVSECheck == 0)
	;if GetNVSEVersion < 4
		set NVSECheck to GetNVSEVersion 

	;If the mod has not been initialized, and the player is finished with the Doc.
	if (UninstallFlag == 0 && InitMod == 0 && getStage VMQ01 > 0)
		if (Phase == 0)
			set ModKey to 48
			player.unEquipItem Pipboy 1 1
			player.removeItem PipboyGlove 1 1
			player.additem PipboywristPC 1 1
			set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
			if (EquippedItem != 0)
				set EquippedCondition to (player.getEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / getHealth EquippedItem && getPlayerControlsDisabled 0 1 == 0)
				player.removeItem EquippedItem 1 1
				set Phase to 1
				set InitMod to 1
				set Phase to 0
		elseif (Phase == 1)
			player.addItemHealthPercent EquippedItem 1 EquippedCondition 1
			player.equipItem EquippedItem 0 1
			player.EquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
			set InitMod to 1
			set Phase to 0

	;Mod menu functions.
	if (ModMenuActive == 1)
		set ModMenuButton to getButtonPressed
			if (ModMenuButton == 0)
				set ModMenuActive to 2
				set RemapKeyFlag to 1
				showMessage BIDEpipRemapKey
			elseif (ModMenuButton == 1)
				set UninstallFlag to 1
				set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
				if (EquippedItem != 0)
					player.unEquipItem EquippedItem
				player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				player.removeItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				player.equipItem Pipboy 1 1
				showMessage BIDEpipUninstall
				set ModMenuActive to 0
				stopQuest BIDEpipRemover
			elseif (ModMenuButton == 2)
				set ModMenuActive to 0
	elseif (ModMenuActive == 2)
		set RemapKeyFlag to 0
		set ModMenuActive to 0

	;Normal functionality
	elseif (UninstallFlag == 0 && player.getItemCount Pipboy != 0)
		if (PipSpamTimer > 0)
			set PipSpamTimer to PipSpamTimer - getSecondsPassed

		;Pip-Boy callup hook
		if (isControlPressed 14 == 1 && PipKeyState == 0 && PipSpamTimer <= 0)
			set pipKeyState to 1

		elseif (PipKeyState == 1)
			if (Phase == 0)
				set PipKeyState to 1
				player.unEquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				player.EquipItem Pipboy 1 1
				set Phase to 2
			elseif (Phase == 3)
				player.unEquipItem Pipboy 1 1
				player.EquipItem PipboyWristPC 1 1
				set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
				if (EquippedItem != 0)
					set EquippedCondition to (player.getEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / getHealth EquippedItem)
					player.removeItem EquippedItem 1 1
					set Phase to 4
					set Phase to 0
					set PipKeyState to 0
			elseif (Phase == 4)
				player.addItemHealthPercent EquippedItem 1 EquippedCondition 1
				player.equipItem EquippedItem 0 1
				player.EquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				set Phase to 0
				set PipKeyState to 0
		;Pip-Boy light and options menu callup functionality
		if (isKeyPressed ModKey == 1 && KeyTimer < 3)
			set KeyTimer to KeyTimer + getSecondsPassed
			set ModKeyState to 1
		elseif (KeyTimer >= 3)
			showMessage BIDEpipOptions
			set ModMenuActive to 1
			set KeyTimer to 0
			set ModKeyState to 0
		elseif (isKeyPressed ModKey == 0 && KeyTimer < 3 && ModKeyState == 1)
			if (player.hasPerk BIDEpipLightPerk == 0)
				player.addPerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				playSound UIPipBoyLightOn
				player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				playSound UIPipBoyLightOff
			set ModKeyState to 0
			set KeyTimer to 0
		elseif (isKeyPressed ModKey == 0 && ModKeyState == 0 && KeyTimer > 0)
			set KeyTimer to 0

	;If the player loses the Pip-Boy, remove the light, if it had been on.
	elseif (UninstallFlag == 0 && player.getItemCount Pipboy == 0 && player.hasPerk BIDEpipLightPerk == 1)
		player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk

;Key remapping functionality.
begin Menumode 1001
	if (RemapKeyFlag == 1)
		set KeyRemapBuffer to getKeyPress 0
		if (KeyRemapBuffer > 0 && KeyRemapBuffer < 256)
			set ModKey to KeyRemapBuffer

begin Menumode
	if (Phase == 2 && Menumode == 1)
		set Phase to 3
		set PipSpamTimer to 0.3

However since I first started troubleshooting this I have discovered some issues that I hope can point to the culprit faster.


I deleted the whole code and went through adding section by section until it crashed and here is where it crashed:

scn BIDEpipRemoverSCRIPT

short Phase

short InitMod
short ModKey
short ModKeyState

short PipKeyState
float PipSpamTimer
ref EquippedItem
ref EquippedCondition

short ModMenuActive
short ModMenuButton
short RemapKeyFlag
short KeyRemapBuffer

float KeyTimer

short UninstallFlag

int NVSEcheck

begin Gamemode
	;Check to ensure NVSE is present before the initial removal occurs.
	;Loops continually until NVSE is found or the mod is uninstalled, in case
	;some unreasonable player decides to save after it doesn't work.
	if (NVSECheck == 0)
	;if GetNVSEVersion < 4
		set NVSECheck to GetNVSEVersion 

	;If the mod has not been initialized, and the player is released from Doc Mitchell's Care.
PrintC "1"
	if (UninstallFlag == 0 && InitMod == 0 && getStage VMQ01 > 0)
PrintC "2"
		if (Phase == 0)
PrintC "3"
			set ModKey to 48
PrintC "4"
			player.unEquipItem Pipboy 1 1
PrintC "5"
			player.removeItem PipboyGlove 1 1
PrintC "6"
			player.additem PipboywristPC 1 1
PrintC "7"
			set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
PrintC "8"
			if (EquippedItem != 0)
PrintC "9"
				set EquippedCondition to (player.getEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / getHealth EquippedItem && getPlayerControlsDisabled 0 1 == 0)
PrintC "10"
				player.removeItem EquippedItem 1 1
PrintC "11"
				set Phase to 1
PrintC "12"
PrintC "13"
				set InitMod to 1
PrintC "14"
				set Phase to 0
PrintC "15"
PrintC "16"
		elseif (Phase == 1)
PrintC "17"
			player.addItemHealthPercent EquippedItem 1 EquippedCondition 1
PrintC "18"
			player.equipItem EquippedItem 0 1
PrintC "19"
			player.equipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
PrintC "20"
			;set InitMod to 1
PrintC "21"
			;set Phase to 0
PrintC "22"
PrintC "23"

It crashed upon trying to equip my replacement wristband in place of no pip-boy. Now I wondered if it might the mesh and there might some issues there too. I tried blocking out the equip line and equiping it via console. It crashed. So then replaced the model with my pip-boy replacer model. That worked. I could equip via console (player.equipitem 0b003d38). However it would not equip via script, (player.equipitem PipBoyWristPC 1 1) as that crashed.



First off the games seems to not like anything in the pip-boy biped slot that does not have a pipboy screen and buttons. I found this by editing the pip-boy replacer copy down to just a wristband, but then it still crashed. I restarted and removed piece by piece in nifscope, until I had a model I could still equip via console without crashing. That model was just the wristband, screen and three buttons. But it still crashed via script.


The reason I think it has to do with the pip-boy slot is if I change the wristband to another biped slot it works either by console or script (even with no screen or buttons), but of course it doesn't look right (sticking out the head, hand, etc) because it is attached to the wrong biped slot.





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I'm not sure if this will help, but just in case I thought I'd mention it. The NV GECK has various issues with equipment slots that only show up in FNVedit and not the GECK itself. For instance, if you copy a pair of sunglasses, rename them and try to equip them in game they'll appear on the side of your PCs head, not where they should be. The only way to fix it is to go into FNVedit and add the missing head slot that the geck doesn't create. Have you tried comparing your pipboy with the original in FNVedit? There may be missing slots which whilst only visually problematic with clothing, could cause a CTD with something as crucial as the pipboy.

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In NV there are CTD problems in general with equiping a pipboy in gamemode. FO3 did not have that issue. You might want to check out the NV pipboy readius mod to see how they worked around that problem.

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In NV there are CTD problems in general with equiping a pipboy in gamemode. FO3 did not have that issue. You might want to check out the NV pipboy readius mod to see how they worked around that problem.


Good idea It seems that any of the readius modes don't have the same issue, as unequiping the pipboy is easy in game mode, and you can add a custom one (like the readius) easily when you call it up (in Menu mode), but I have not seen how to swap to a different pipboy before you exit Menu mode.

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Okay I made some progress thanks to a fellow modder. This new script successfully swapped out the pipboys without crashing. However it now crashes upon trying to call up the pipboy. The first fix was accomplished I think by the addition of a con_closeallmenus command after trying to make the swap. So I tried to add it every where else the wristband is equipped, but it still crashed.


Here is the code as I currently edited it:

scn BIDEpipRemoverSCRIPT

short Phase

short InitMod
short ModKey
short ModKeyState

short PipKeyState
float PipSpamTimer
ref EquippedItem
ref EquippedCondition

short ModMenuActive
short ModMenuButton
short RemapKeyFlag
short KeyRemapBuffer

float KeyTimer

short UninstallFlag

int NVSEcheck

begin Gamemode
	;Check to ensure NVSE is present before the initial removal occurs.
	;Loops continually until NVSE is found or the mod is uninstalled, in case
	;some unreasonable player decides to save after it doesn't work.
	if (NVSECheck == 0)
	;if GetNVSEVersion < 4
		set NVSECheck to GetNVSEVersion 

	;If the mod has not been initialized, and the player is finished with the Doc.
	if (UninstallFlag == 0 && InitMod == 0 && getStage VMQ01 > 0)
		if (Phase == 0)
			set ModKey to 48
			player.unEquipItem Pipboy 1 1
			player.removeItem PipboyGlove 1 1
			player.additem PipboywristPC 1 1
			set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
			if (EquippedItem != 0)
				set EquippedCondition to (player.getEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / getHealth EquippedItem && getPlayerControlsDisabled 0 1 == 0)
				player.removeItem EquippedItem 1 1
				set Phase to 1
				set InitMod to 1
				set Phase to 0
		elseif (Phase == 1)
			player.addItemHealthPercent EquippedItem 1 EquippedCondition 1
			player.equipItem EquippedItem 0 1
			player.EquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
			set InitMod to 1
			set Phase to 0

	;Mod menu functions.
	if (ModMenuActive == 1)
		set ModMenuButton to getButtonPressed
			if (ModMenuButton == 0)
				set ModMenuActive to 2
				set RemapKeyFlag to 1
				showMessage BIDEpipRemapKey
			elseif (ModMenuButton == 1)
				set UninstallFlag to 1
				set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
				if (EquippedItem != 0)
					player.unEquipItem EquippedItem
				player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				player.removeItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				player.equipItem Pipboy 1 1
				showMessage BIDEpipUninstall
				set ModMenuActive to 0
				stopQuest BIDEpipRemover
			elseif (ModMenuButton == 2)
				set ModMenuActive to 0
	elseif (ModMenuActive == 2)
		set RemapKeyFlag to 0
		set ModMenuActive to 0

	;Normal functionality
	elseif (UninstallFlag == 0 && player.getItemCount Pipboy != 0)
		if (PipSpamTimer > 0)
			set PipSpamTimer to PipSpamTimer - getSecondsPassed

		;Pip-Boy callup hook
		if (isControlPressed 14 == 1 && PipKeyState == 0 && PipSpamTimer <= 0)
			set pipKeyState to 1

		elseif (PipKeyState == 1)
			if (Phase == 0)
				set PipKeyState to 1
				player.unEquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				player.EquipItem Pipboy 1 1
				set Phase to 2
			elseif (Phase == 3)
				player.unEquipItem Pipboy 1 1
				player.EquipItem PipboyWristPC 1 1
				set EquippedItem to player.getEquippedObject 2
				if (EquippedItem != 0)
					set EquippedCondition to (player.getEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / getHealth EquippedItem)
					player.removeItem EquippedItem 1 1
					set Phase to 4
					set Phase to 0
					set PipKeyState to 0
			elseif (Phase == 4)
				player.addItemHealthPercent EquippedItem 1 EquippedCondition 1
				player.equipItem EquippedItem 0 1
				player.EquipItem PipboywristPC 1 1
				set Phase to 0
				set PipKeyState to 0
		;Pip-Boy light and options menu callup functionality
		if (isKeyPressed ModKey == 1 && KeyTimer < 3)
			set KeyTimer to KeyTimer + getSecondsPassed
			set ModKeyState to 1
		elseif (KeyTimer >= 3)
			showMessage BIDEpipOptions
			set ModMenuActive to 1
			set KeyTimer to 0
			set ModKeyState to 0
		elseif (isKeyPressed ModKey == 0 && KeyTimer < 3 && ModKeyState == 1)
			if (player.hasPerk BIDEpipLightPerk == 0)
				player.addPerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				playSound UIPipBoyLightOn
				player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk
				playSound UIPipBoyLightOff
			set ModKeyState to 0
			set KeyTimer to 0
		elseif (isKeyPressed ModKey == 0 && ModKeyState == 0 && KeyTimer > 0)
			set KeyTimer to 0

	;If the player loses the Pip-Boy, remove the light, if it had been on.
	elseif (UninstallFlag == 0 && player.getItemCount Pipboy == 0 && player.hasPerk BIDEpipLightPerk == 1)
		player.removePerk BIDEpipLightPerk

;Key remapping functionality.
begin Menumode 1001
	if (RemapKeyFlag == 1)
		set KeyRemapBuffer to getKeyPress 0
		if (KeyRemapBuffer > 0 && KeyRemapBuffer < 256)
			set ModKey to KeyRemapBuffer

begin Menumode
	if (Phase == 2 && Menumode == 1)
		set Phase to 3
		set PipSpamTimer to 0.3
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Is there a reason EquippedCondition is declared as a ref instead of a float? getEquippedCurrentHealth returns a float. http://www.gribbleshnibit.com/projects/NVSEDocs/#GetEquippedCurrentHealth



I do not know. That was part of the original script, not one of my modifications. Perhaps it should be a float in New Vegas?

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It should have been a float in Fallout3 also. Ref variables are for FormIds and RefIds.

AddItemHealthPercent requires a float between 0 and 1.

Refs are stored as 8 hex digits. Perhaps floats are stored the same way and it just worked in FO3. I'm not saying this is the reason for the crashing but I would do away with questionable stuff.

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Someone mentioning the hotkey for the light gave me an idea.


I would prefer it to happen automatically, but perhaps it might easier right now to create a hot key that swaps it after it was called up. So you would call it up (activate menu mode) and press an "on" button to activate the hologram (make the swap). Press the button again to turn "off" the hologram (swap it back). This might have the added advantage of allowing the user to keep the hologram activated if they prefer, and only allowing the swap in menu mode. Perhaps restore the pipboy light button and use that hotkey.

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