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UnPacking 7 and rar files


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Getting into using mods and for the love of God I cant use the 7z freeware too unpack the archived mod file into the data directory.


When I extract the mode file into the data directory it does so without unpacking, as the end result is still having the .rar or .7z file extension on it.


Win zip files unpack or extract okay. What the hell am I missing? Does the Fallout game engine use rar files?? Im assuming not. I down loaded another freeware program and its doign the same thing....



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If you have Vista or Win7 AND you installed your games into the default "Program Files", you are going to run across issues with increased file protection / security called UAC. When you try to extract an archive under a protected UAC folder structure, it will only allow you to extract the root files of the mod (such as the plugin and readme) but will ignore any subfolders such as "Meshes" and "Textures" which will give you all kinds of exclamation marks and people telling you that you did not properly install the mod.


I recommend installing Steam and your other moddable games somewhere outside that special folder such as C:\Steam or D:\Games\Steam


You can get around this particular problem by extracting the archive to a temporary folder and then copying the files and folders into the Data directory.


Related Articles:

- File compression basics

- How to create archives



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