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New Engine O.o


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These things are great, but they don't in any way depend on what engine is being used for the game at all.

Ah, but with Oblivions mess of an engine, it did :P Who knows, they might make the new engine do the same.


(Dual wielding was a engine limitation. Adding new skills was an engine limitation, but more likely hard coded. But dual wielding defintely was a limitation of Oblivion's engine :thumbsup:)


You are confusing the engine with the way the game was made. The engine is underneath the programming of the game, not the same thing. Fallout 3 has the same engine as Oblivion, so by your line of logic, it must have exactly 21 skills divided into three catergories within an identical character creation menu. Heck, by your definition of "engine", it really is a good thing we're getting a new one, or we'd be getting a complete clone of Oblivion.


The engine defines how your computer goes about rendering, animating, texturing, and calculating the way objects interact within the environment. It does stuff like that.

Well, if you know everything about game engines, then forget what I said. :sleep:


*Hint* Fallout 3 uses the same engine type as Oblivion. Not the same engine itself.

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All i hope is, that it looks good and is easy to mod, aswell as using all hardware avaible; meaning 4gigs of ram and 4 cores.

Hopefully it turns out to be something remotely like UDK... with an option to run it all on the iphone or galaxy. Yes! :P

Edited by Nadimos
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I read it will add dual wielding. This website says its posting stuff from the Game Informer magazine, I honestly don't know whether to believe it or not but hey why not? It talks about a lot of things, like the option to remove the HUD, how many skills there are, the level system, how many towns, etc. But again it seems weird that they have this much information early on, isn't it supposed to be released in December? I guess it really isn't that long but I don't know...



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Well, if you know everything about game engines, then forget what I said. :sleep:


*Hint* Fallout 3 uses the same engine type as Oblivion. Not the same engine itself.

I'm not an expert in engine, I'm not even an expert in english since it's not my language and I know wikipedia is not always reliable but on the english wiki page they describe gamebryo as an engine, not an engine type (which isn't even mentionned) and say that fallout and oblivion have the same engine. But I still can be wrong.
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There's a DX 11 now? Well, I'm happy as long as they support DX 9.

Yeah, there is and there isn't, as in hardly anyone supports it, hardly anything uses it, and even fewer people have the graphic cards that can handle it. :turned:

I brought it up in another thread, but realistically I would be happy with support for DX 10. From what it sounds like they've done with the graphics of Skyrim (snowfall, etc) I wouldn't be surprised if 10 is a given.


I can't imagine that they would put out a game that didn't support DX 9 as well, though, since most (I'd say) of the gaming world uses XP.

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I wouldn't be surprised at all if the engine was Gamebryo LightSpeed...it seems like it is right up their alley for what they like doing which is vast/dynamic landscape, rapid prototyping, etc. However, Skyrim has been in development for quite some time now...gotta wonder when they could have got their hands on LightSpeed. It is possible that Skyrim started with the building of storyline and model/texture/sound/voice assets and later incorporated a new engine. All speculation on my part though.


LightSpeed Overview Videos on their training site.



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I wouldn't be surprised at all if the engine was Gamebryo LightSpeed...it seems like it is right up their alley for what they like doing which is vast/dynamic landscape, rapid prototyping, etc. However, Skyrim has been in development for quite some time now...gotta wonder when they could have got their hands on LightSpeed. It is possible that Skyrim started with the building of storyline and model/texture/sound/voice assets and later incorporated a new engine. All speculation on my part though.


LightSpeed Overview Videos on their training site.



Ooh, a new engine by the same people of the old engine. Could that mean it will work on similar lines but "better"? Maybe Bethesda got their hands on the engine early, like the Mac Pro did with the Xeon Nehelem chips, et al, since Beth is a Big Company that uses the Gamebryo so maybe we could assume the possibility of some kind of collaboration? (just to build speculation upon speculation)


Could that make modding have similarities between TES4 and TES5?

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