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FOMM to Vanilla startup


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Alright,after completely purging my system of FNV,I redownloaded FOMM and my mods( thankfully i kept backups) So I get it all up and running. Now NVSE says its not working,so this anoyying as heck box pops up "NVSE Not detected or supported version some mods may not work" so this pop up every 5 seconds. Pretty anoyying.Wont go away,now NV will not run from FOMM it keeps bringing me back to the default startup program. This is litterally making me want to punt my computer><
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let's start with the obvious


1 what directory is steam installed into --- and what operating system are you using

(Hinty --- what steps have you taken to insure that this is not simply a UAC issue)



2 are you using NVSE 1.6 b or 1.5b --- 1.5 won't work with the current NV patch

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let's start with the obvious


1 what directory is steam installed into --- and what operating system are you using

(Hinty --- what steps have you taken to insure that this is not simply a UAC issue)



2 are you using NVSE 1.6 b or 1.5b --- 1.5 won't work with the current NV patch

Windows Vista Ultimate SP 1( in the process for SP2)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam is the directory.

1.6B is my NVSE


I honestly have to say this addition of Steam makes it a pain in the rear to add mods at least for me.


But I loaded an old save,checked my NVSE version said 1,and so that tells me its working.

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Mods and other things that make changes in any program installed in the program files folders are protected by UAC - which is intended to keep any changes from being applied in order to protect those files from being changed by Virus attack.


I do not recommend disabling UAC as that will leave you vulnerable to those type virus attacks in programs that you do not want to be changed. (such as your antivirus program). There is no need for game programs to have this kind of protection.


Instead, reinstall the steam client to a location outside of the program files folders. Such as C:\Games\Steam. Then reinstall any steam games and they will automatically be placed in the new location. Then UAC will not cause any problems. You will then be able to install any Non Steam games to C:\Games\game-name so all of your games will be found in the same place.

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Mods and other things that make changes in any program installed in the program files folders are protected by UAC - which is intended to keep any changes from being applied in order to protect those files from being changed by Virus attack.


I do not recommend disabling UAC as that will leave you vulnerable to those type virus attacks in programs that you do not want to be changed. (such as your antivirus program). There is no need for game programs to have this kind of protection.


Instead, reinstall the steam client to a location outside of the program files folders. Such as C:\Games\Steam. Then reinstall any steam games and they will automatically be placed in the new location. Then UAC will not cause any problems. You will then be able to install any Non Steam games to C:\Games\game-name so all of your games will be found in the same place.



Thanks for the help,i FINALLY got it all working again I had used the 3 gig enabler and all my issues went away then a total reinstall of everything and it works

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Mods and other things that make changes in any program installed in the program files folders are protected by UAC - which is intended to keep any changes from being applied in order to protect those files from being changed by Virus attack.


I do not recommend disabling UAC as that will leave you vulnerable to those type virus attacks in programs that you do not want to be changed. (such as your antivirus program). There is no need for game programs to have this kind of protection.


Instead, reinstall the steam client to a location outside of the program files folders. Such as C:\Games\Steam. Then reinstall any steam games and they will automatically be placed in the new location. Then UAC will not cause any problems. You will then be able to install any Non Steam games to C:\Games\game-name so all of your games will be found in the same place.



Thanks for the help,i FINALLY got it all working again I had used the 3 gig enabler and all my issues went away then a total reinstall of everything and it works

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